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The Help and The Fault in our Stars

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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the help

Photo by Thomas Hawk

the fault in our stars

Photo by Nanagyei


No matter the situation, love will persevere.

The characters in these books didn't mean to fall in love with each other, but love perseveres.

Photo by Jeff Kubina


Even though Aibileen really did not really want to have a relationship/to love a white woman she couldn't help their bonding together over the stories.

“One thing I got to say about Miss Hilly, she love her children. That kind of love always make me want to cry. That kind of love make me want to cry. Even when it going to Miss Hilly.” - Aibileen to Skeeter

Photo by blmiers2

Mae mobley,aibileen

Aibileen is more of a mother to Mae Mobley than Mrs. Leefolt is. They have a mother daughter relationship. "You're my real mama Aibee."

“Hi Aibee. I love you Aibee,” and I feel a soft feeling, soft like the flap of butterfly wings, watching her play out there. - Aibileen

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Celia and Johnny

Even though Celia can’t get pregnant her husband doesn't care. He loves her for who she is regardless. Celia also doesn't give up hope when she loses another baby just tries again and hopes for the best.


When Hazel and Augustus went to Amsterdam they finally kissed at the Anne Frank House. Hazel didn't care about Augustus leg and the awkwardness because of their love for each other.

Hazel did not want to fall in love with Augustus because she didn't want to hurt him if she were to die, but she couldn't help falling in love with him after a while.

Hazel brings up Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, and how she shouldn't be able to get past the first level because her health isn't stable. So according to this chart she shouldn't be able to love, but love perseveres.

“As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.” - Hazel Grace Lancaster

Photo by Werner Kunz

“You realize that trying to keep your distance from me will not lessen my affection for you. All efforts to save me from you will fail.” - Augustus Waters

Photo by Werner Kunz

the end

Photo by RichGrundy