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R U Digital Literate?

Published on Dec 14, 2015

Digital Citizenship


R U Digital Literate?

How to be a good "online" citizen

Digital Citizenship

"self monitored habits that sustain and improve your digital communities" 
Photo by Dan Callahan

How important is...

Computer safety?
Photo by Peter Ras


  • Don't save your log in info
  • Don't leave your computer unattended
  • Erase your tracks (use 'inprivate' browsing)
  • Watch for over-the-shoulder snoops
  • Don't use a public computer for sensitive information
Photo by peterned

Be aware there are risks
and predators lurking
on the NET

Photo by erix!

Safe social networking starts with:

  • Don't give in to peer pressure.
  • Don't publish your address, phone number, etc.
  • Pick a username that doesn't include personal info.
  • Use strong passwords.
  • Only allow 'friends' to view your profile.
Photo by Bohman


Rules about the Proper way to communicate with other people online

Copyright laws were established not to give the author the right to deny their work to other people, but instead to encourage its creation.

Photo by kjetikor

Rules of Copyright and Fair Use

  • Consider these factors for each item you want to copy:
  • Is the copy for nonprofit educational purposes? If so, generally permitted.
  • Creative? The more creative and less factual, the more it is protected.
  • A publication cannot be copied in large portion or it's entirety.
  • Sales of the original work should not be effected by the 'copying'
Photo by MikeBlogs

Plagiarism is to steal/use as ones' own without giving credit.

The most common types are:

  • Clone
  • Control-C
  • Find-Replace
  • Retweet
  • Recycle
Photo by peterned

In summary:

be aware, be cautious, be courteous

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Copyright Fair Use and How it works for Online Images. (