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Be Proactive habit 1

Published on Sep 15, 2016

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Be Proactive habit 1

By: Marcus Henriquez
Photo by Blas Brains

How a proactive person behaves

  • A proactive person acts respectfully towards people
  • A proactive person speaks positive towards themselves
Photo by Alan736

Proactive Example

being nice to other people
Photo by Wesley Fryer

An non-proactive Example

A non-proactive person is mean to people


What is the victumis virus

the victumis virus virus is a thing that makes you feel like the whole world owes you or everyones out to get you
Photo by wiredforlego

!!!Caution stay away from this virus it can make you reactive!!

The virus makes you reactive because you blame everyone else for your plobrems.
Photo by CGP Grey

What is the "Circle of Control"

the circle of control is what we can control in our lives
Photo by Zig131

why do we focus on our "circle of control"

we focus on our circle on control so we don't get depressed or reactive
Photo by whisperwolf

Circle of control

The 4 human tools

the 4 tools to make you, you
Photo by BRICK 101

The 4 human tools

  • we need to be aware of our surroundings
  • we need to have power to do our own things
  • we must imagine the future
  • we must feel alive and awake
Photo by brownpau

How do the 4 human tools help us make good decisions?

they help us make good decisions by making us aware, awake, able to make our own decisions
Photo by JD Hancock

this person is aware of there surroundings so they won't get mugged.
aware of surroundings.com

Being Proactive affection

when you are proactive you feel good and everyone loves you
Photo by mattjerome_88

Real examples

  • a person helps a fallen person, that person is nice to him
  • someone is failing a grade, another guy helps him they become best buds
  • a boss is lossing money and someone gives him a lot of it, the boss raises that persons money

this person was failing on a virtual class and this person helped him they are now best friends

That's all goodbye!!

By marcus
Photo by o0N0o