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story of my life as a middle schooler

Published on Sep 19, 2022

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story of my life as a middle schooler

By: Maryerin mcmonagle

Beginning of 6th grade:

  • In the beginning of 6th grade, everything is so different. I was adjusting to the new building that is only middle schoolers. More work, new teachers and more. It was a new start.

Fall 2019

  • It didn't take long to adjust and I was doing pretty well, I made a new friend in sixth grade and she joined my friend group and we're all still friends. She has made a huge impact on my life and I know I can always count on her to listen.

When covid hit:

  • Right before Covid hit, my one teacher started assigning a crazy amount of work. I was falling behind a little bit. When we went online, I picked it up. I woke up early and did my work. I was doing good until I got caught sharing answers on two assignments with my friends. Most trouble I ever got myself into.
Photo by Nick Morrison

The start of 7th grade:

  • I was so happy to be back at school and be with all my friends. I started becoming close with people I thought I would never really get to know. It was also soccer season, my life was really good.

fall 2020

  • In fall 2020, I got close with a few kids in my class and talked to them every day and sometimes hung out on the weekends. In mid October, I sprained my acl which was a few month recovery. I am thankful I didn't need surgery because people say you never play the same. I was on crutches for a few weeks and a knee brace for a while. I'm just happy we won that championship game.
Photo by Nathan Rogers

Winter 2020-2021

  • During Christmas time, my friends and I did a lot of fun things together and I was happy. After New Years, Indoor soccer was starting. Well it was called indoor but it was really outside in the freezing cold. After a few games I was back and playing and happy to be back with my team without watching from the bench in a knee brace.
Photo by Jill Clardy

spring 2021

  • I was so done with the cold. I was anxious for the weather to get warmer and spring soccer and softball to start. I was doing well in school. Once softball and soccer started, my life got busy again. I liked being busy.
Photo by Patti Black

Summer 2021

  • That summer was pretty fun but some days I was bored out of my mind. A highlight of summer 2021 was playing beach blast with my team. A lot of weekends in August I went down the shore with one of my best friends' Mia, which was also really fun.

the beginning of 8th grade:

  • It was crazy to think how it was my last year at the school I'd been going to for nine years. When school started I hung out with my friends almost every day. Cyo soccer and volleyball were starting and they're the best.

fall 2021

  • I don't even know where to begin. It was the best season of my life. My friends and I got the closest we had ever been and we hung out all the time. School was easy and Halloween was coming. I had cyo soccer and volleyball and club soccer at this time. Everything was perfect. When Halloween came we all went to my friend Jack's house and it was really fun. In November I saw Hamilton, the play I've wanted to see since I was eight. I was my happiest last fall.
Photo by Sudan Ouyang

Winter 2022

  • In Winter my life was pretty quiet. I wasn't up to a lot. I was doing well in school and chilled in a lot of nights.

The start of something new

  • In early Spring I decided to do track. I figured it would help my stamina and make me faster for soccer. I liked track. There were meets on Saturdays at Lincoln high school where I did pretty well. My soccer coach said I definitely got faster which I was happy about.
Photo by Braden Collum

Realizing I was almost done grade school

  • It was May and I started thinking about how I wouldn't be coming back to Cecilia's in the fall. At 8th grade night for softball I realized this was my last cyo sport ever at SCS. I was pretty sad thinking about the end of grade school but tried to cherish school the most at the end.

8th grade trip to Hershey park

  • In June, for the 8th grade trip, my grade went to Hershey Park. This trip was really fun. I went on a lot of rides with my friends. We would go to the "Fast Pass" line every ride and tell them our school bought thee fast pass for our grade and they believed us every time and we didn't have to wait. When we got back we all went out for pizza, it was really fun.


  • Graduation. It was my last St. Cecilia event ever. I was still happy because we still had the dance the next day which the parents put together at Maggie's. At graduation I got an award for Principal of Religion and I got 50 bucks for it. After the mass, my friends and I took pictures and my family and I went and got Hibachi at To-Kai. Two of my friends were also going there so we saw them too.
Photo by Pang Yuhao

the dance

  • The dance was really fun. One last time all together with most of the grade. There was a photo booth where my friends and I took endless pictures. At the end of the dance, everyone was crying, even the boys. It was bitter-sweet. My friends and I had a sleepover after the dance and looked at a bunch of old pictures.

summer 2022

  • This summer was something. To start off my family and I went to Punta Cana my birthday week. The best thing ever. After that I ran every day to train for try outs. It was very stressful. Other than that my summer was pretty good. I had fun down the shore with my friends. Towards the end I started drifting from one of my best friends but I hope we hang out soon.
Photo by etireno


  • Now I go to Ryan, obviously. I'm on the soccer team and am adjusting to having soccer every day. I talk to most of my grade school friends and hang out with them too.
Photo by Shapelined