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1800-1900 (ish)
Photo by martinak15

The Romantic Period was an artistic, literary, musical and intellectual movement that originated in Europe and began around the end of the 18th century

Photo by profzucker

The term romantic first appeared in the 18th century english and originally meant "romance like" resembling the fanciful characters of midevil romances

Photo by UGArdener

Romanticism was a form of rebellion against the classical period

Romanticism revived medievalism, yet both were soon replaced a century later by realism.

Photo by Zyada

romantic music

Photo by Olof S


  • most romantic artists preferred nature as their theme
  • also focused on distant, exotic, and mysterious settings

They relied on their feelings to gain inspiration and a purpose for their art.


  • musical instruments became more available for the public
  • music was expressive and emotional
  • nationalistic aproach


  • Frédéric chopin
  • Liszt
  • Smetena
  • Tchaikovsky
  • Beethoven
Photo by Melle Bé

Ludwig Van Beethoven bridged the gap between classical and romantic music

Photo by nixter

Despite being known for its art forms, romanticism also impacted education, historiography, and the natural sciences.

focused on emotions

  • apprehension
  • terror
  • awe
  • love
Photo by Yannnik

key qualities

  • order
  • calm
  • harmony
  • balance
  • idealization
Photo by dieselbug2007

Romanticism began as early as 1750 and ended around the early 1900's.

Photo by sta.helena


Photo by crackdog

famous romanticism folktales

  • Hansel and Gretel
  • Cinderella
  • Little Red Riding Hood
Photo by Jyrki Salmi


  • no other period in english literature displays more variety in style, theme, and content
  • Sir walter Scott was the most famous romantic novelist
Photo by Moyan_Brenn

major writers

  • Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • Edgar Allen Poe
  • Walt Whitman
  • William Blake
Photo by englishsnow

Romantic art

Photo by profzucker


  • art was more prominent as paintings rather than sculptures
  • paintings had emphasis on imagination, and emotions
  • mindset for no restraints, no limits
Photo by Dusty J

famous artists

  • Thomas Gainsborough
  • J.M.W turner
  • Casper David Frederick


  • art was still in a neoclassical form
  • major themes through out the romantic period was liberty, equality, and fraternity


  • Sturm and Drang was the first piece created in the romantic period
  • william cullen bryant was a poetry prodigy at age 9
  • edgar allen poe dropped out of the university of virginia due to gambling debt
  • around same time as civil war in america

now we will listen to some music from the romantic period