Music and Popular Culture, Pt. 2

Published on Apr 09, 2024

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Music and Popular Culture, Pt. 2

Professor Latuszek ENC 1102 (Wk. 17-2)
Photo by Wan San Yip


  • What is an example of an iconic album title?
  • What makes them iconic?
Photo by Ennev


  • Who is an iconic singer or band?
  • What makes them iconic?
Photo by cdrummbks

Auto Tune

  • Software became available in recent years (Auto Tune) which can adjust the frequencies or tones of voices so they are considered "pitch perfect"
  • Do you feel use of AT is acceptable versus those only using natural singing talent (i.e., is it cheating)?

Music Videos

  • Music videos mostly came out in the late 1970s--particularly with a new cable channel called Music Television (MTV)
  • However still being made today with most popular songs, do you feel that music videos help with the liking/understanding of a song (or not)?

critical thinking question

  • Do you prefer live to studio recorded music?
  • Why?
  • Some artists have been caught prerecording performances and lip synching. Do you feel that fans are cheated or not from such a performance?
Photo by lloydi

critical thinking question

  • How important or not are music charts to determine what you listen to?
  • Have there been songs before that you wondered how they could be so popular?

Questions? Music and Popular Culture, Pt. 2

Professor Latuszek ENC 1102 (Wk. 17-2)
Photo by Wan San Yip

Tom Latuszek

Haiku Deck Pro User