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Family In The 1930s

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Photo by Infrogmation


  • hauling water, gathering eggs, tending the garden, and filling the wood box. And some chores like milking cows and feeding livestock had to be done more than once a day. Fieldwork started early, with feeding and harnessing the horses.
  • Women sewed and mended clothing, and washed clothes by hand. They made soap from lard (bacon fat), baked bread, and canned (preserved) everything from beef and pork to green beans and tomatoes.


  • Children only attended schools for only a couple years, to get their general education. The dust and heat or snow and cold sometimes made it hard for children to learn and for teachers to teach. Teenagers sometimes had to quit school to work full time on the family farm. Sometimes young people left home in search of jobs off the farm.


  • Small farms usually raised chickens, hogs, and cattle, as well as keeping horses and mules for work, and sometimes sheep for wool and meat. Some farmers kept bees and harvested the honey. Women baked their own bread.
  • Food from the gardens were green beans, cabbage, sweet corn, grean peas, tomatoes and squash.


  • Although the 1930s was a time of great hardship, people still found ways to have fun. Everything was homemade the games, the music. there were even homemade portable dance floors. And Neighbors got together to play cards and board games and to just talk.