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Slide Notes

No seriously, what the heck!? What's this presentation about, and why is it sooooo boring?!?!?!

Let me show you a clip of a video. Maybe that'll hit your noggins. Let's check out how the Boston Children's Hospital did their " idea ".


( Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHSH9k9ooZY )
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What are you doing?!

Published on Oct 12, 2016

How to make this presentation less boring, simply by explanations.



No seriously, what the heck!? What's this presentation about, and why is it sooooo boring?!?!?!

Let me show you a clip of a video. Maybe that'll hit your noggins. Let's check out how the Boston Children's Hospital did their " idea ".


( Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHSH9k9ooZY )
Photo by cast_tkohl

Presentations you say?

We're gonna talk about what makes presentations interactive. Interactive would normally mean how you include the audience. This very presentation has a few things wrong, so we're gonna make this engaging little by little at the same time.

Why we're "interactive":

A lot of presentations your teachers give are boring, however, it is interactive, it just needs to be less... time consuming. Some teachers think of ways to engage their students, by making them write notes on the screen or even grabbing individual student's attention with questions.

Here's how good our class thinks all of us do:

I did a "measurement" from the class to see how good they thought they did. This is honestly how we feel:

Wake up

it's time... let's make this as amazing as possible.
Yeah, wake up audience! You're slobbering all over yourselves. Don't worry, it'll get better in no time.

mind boggling

effects that will draw attention
Ooooh~ I hope you like this you guys. If this doesn't catch your attention, idk what will to be honest. But check it out, isn't illusion cool?
Photo by Leo Reynolds

did that get your attention?

it better have, if it didn't, use a louder voice. point them out.
that was one way to get people's attentions. Just put pictures that are outrageous or relevant to today's "pop culture". Totally the best way, I promise.

But you also need a loud voice.



But something's off...

can you guys guess it?
Now through all of this, since you guys are paying attention to me. I want you to answer a simple question.

What's off about all these slides so far?


to make up for the abscence of it before
Indeed... It needs color! Nothing can be done better without the rainbow. Besides, if we couldn't see colors, how boring would that be? It's even better when it's in optical illusions, y'know?

Don't forget to add memes!

Memes are a good way to connect your audience. Even if the meme's really bad, who cares. A meme is a meme, Bad memes would be called " dank memes " and boi, I am sure about that.
Photo by gruntzooki

Let's Recap

  • Put pictures that would stick out, or anything out there.
  • Be loud and proud... ( for presentations at least )
  • Add color to everything. ( even your personality )
So to recap, we're going to start with putting pictures that would stick out, being loud and proud, putting color to everything, and talking like you're talking to another you. That last part just simply means not to worry to stutter or cover your mouth ( like this ). Your audience is willing enough to allow you to express yourself. Take that opportunity! It's out there.

Now it's your time to shine.

Let's Recap

  • Add memes to every slide. ( don't worry, the next slide has Teletubbies, if that isn't meme enough )
  • Just talk as if your speaking to another you.
So to recap, we're going to start with putting pictures that would stick out, being loud and proud, putting color to everything, and talking like you're talking to another you. That last part just simply means not to worry to stutter or cover your mouth ( like this ). Your audience is willing enough to allow you to express yourself. Take that opportunity! It's out there.

Now it's your time to shine.


let's be
Let's be interactive.