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Transitioning From VSDs

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Transitioning from VSDs

To Grid or Literacy
Photo by Chris Lawton

Language Development (Paul, 1997)

Visual Scene Displays
-Are appropriate for individuals at the pragmatic stage of language development

-And the early semantic stage

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  • Language is presented in meaningful context
  • The whole-scene nature of VSDs facilitates social interaction
Photo by Jason Leung

However, later stages of language development are not well supported by VSDs

However, later stages of language development are not well supported by VSDs

In addition, as children become more sophisticated language learners and acquire more vocabulary, they experience a shift in how they organize concepts conceptually

Photo by Chiot's Run

Schematic Organization

  • Organizing concepts according to event context (e.g., playing outside, breakfast)
  • Typically used by young children

Taxonomic Organization

  • Organizing concepts in hierarchical categories (e.g., food, places)
  • Emerges 5-7 years of age
Photo by juhansonin

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Transitioning from VSDs

Photo by Hello I'm Nik

It is important to recognize when an individual is ready and able to move to AAC system displays that can grow with their continuing language development

Photo by follow777

Options for transitioning out of VSDs

Note: Grids refers to picture symbol-based grid displays


  • Provide context
  • Represent realistic image
  • Maintain proportionality
  • Well-suited for social contexts
Photo by Yeah Im Kenny


  • Vocabulary can be in predictable locations
  • Depicts a larger number of concepts available at a time - allows for more choices with decreased navigation demands
  • May facilitate combination of concepts

Transitioning from VSDs to Grids

  • Hybrid displays
  • Using VSD photos as grid choices
  • VSDs with hotspots in grid locations
  • Using grids in different contexts/environments
  • Pairing selections on VSDs with grid symbols
Photo by keepitsurreal

1. Hybrid displays:
Add grid elements to VSDs that the individual is already successfully using

2. Using VSDs as grid choices

Use the photos that served as VSDs as the options on a grid display
Can use part of the photos by zooming in on relevant features

Photo by practicalowl

Individuals who can scroll through VSD choices for navigation are already demonstrating the skills needed to use a grid display

3. VSDs with Hotspots in Grid Locations

Photo by arbyreed

Not all photographs function as VSDs

However, individuals who are successful at using VSDs may be able to use other photographs that are like VSDs

Decrease in naturalness, but some context remains

Photo by Anirudh Koul

Photographs can be chosen that lend themselves to grid-like programming

Over time, the hotspots can be converted to grid locations, keeping the meaning consistent

Photo by wuestenigel

VSDs with Hotspots in Grid Locations

4. Using Grids in Different Contexts and Environments

Photo by vsz

Some individuals may be able to make the transition with little instruction

As new contexts are introduced, some can be introduced using grid displays

5. Pairing Selections on VSDs with Grid Selections

Photo by Eric.Ray

Upon selection of a hotspot, a 2-dimensional grid symbol can be dynamically displayed - emerging from the photo and then disappearing after the speech output

Systematically pairing the new symbol with the acquired representation may facilitate learning

The choice between VSDs and Grid displays is not a forced choice

Photo by cogdogblog

There may still be a reason to continue to use VSDs, especially those that the individual is successful at using

Transitioning from Grids to Literacy

Photo by Chris Lawton

Advantages of Litearcy

  • Facilitates educational achievement (learning and demonstrating content knowledge)
  • Provides access to vocational opportunities
  • Fosters social contacts

Added benefits in AAC

  • Provides greater generative capacity in face to face interactions
  • Provides a channel to bypass limitations of face to face communicatin
  • Facilitates independence in daily life activities
  • Jkdflsjfkdslj
Photo by drubuntu

Grid to Literacy Transition

  • Hybrid displays
  • Pairing selections with sight words (T2L)
  • Instructional considerations
Photo by Ashley Rich

Grid to Literacy Transition

1. Hybrid displays

Just as with picture symbols, sight words can be added to a grid display

2. Pairing Selections with Sight Words
(Transition to Literacy: T2L)

Photo by bmitd67

Upon selection of a symbol, the text can be paired with it, to provide exposure each time

Jake: Probe (post-intervention)

3. Instructional Considerations

As the student learns more sight words, add these to the system or change the representation in the system to the sight word

Ensure opportunities for writing

Keyboard page
Story generation

Photo by Sergi Kabrera

Provide access to instruction in early literacy skills adapted for participation without speech


Create a folder of VSDs with audio output that encourages phonemic awareness, segmenting, blending, etc. - not for communication

VSDs to Literacy

Photo by Luna*--

It is possible that some individuals may be able to transition directly to literacy, which allows for the most generative language without the disadvantages of grids

Photo by morberg

VSDs to Literacy

  • Pairing selections with sight words (T2L)
  • Instructional considerations

1. Pairing Selections with Sight Words

Just as with a grid display, a VSD display can have hotspots programmed to pair voice output with corresponding text appearance and disappearance (i.e., T2L)

The feature embeds words within the rich context representative of real life

Example VSD with T2L

The T2L feature is now included in multiple AAC apps that use VSDs
-GoVisualTM from Attainment
-SnapScene from Tobii Dynavox

2. Instructional Considerations

Create a folder of VSDs with audio output that encourages phonemic awareness, segmenting, blending, etc. (not for communication)

Just as with grids to literacy, provide access to instruction in early literacy skills adapted for participation without speech


Use familiar VSDs as illustrations for shared reading books

Literacy can be incorporated in many ways, even if it is not the current primary method of communication

Photo by Ben White

The choice between
& Grid Displays
& Literacy
is not a forced choice

It is likely that there are multiple options for individuals who are transitioning out of VSDs as a primary display type for communication

More research is necessary

  • Markers or characteristics that indicate readiness
  • Types of approaches that are a best fit for an individual
  • Ways to streamline instruction and capitalize on strengths of an individual
  • Taking advantage of advances in technology

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Untitled Slide

Photo by speedoflife