In the book The Offensive Internet : Speech, Privacy, and Reputation written by Martha Craven Nussbaum, the idea that the reputation of people is able to be influenced easily, and the reputation is capable to change a person's opinion and behavior.
Martha states that the reputation of people would be influenced by lots of facts such as rumors. Martha mentioned that the negative reputation has devastating influence to a person, and it might swing the person's opinion. The person influenced by reputation might change his or her behavior towards to the direction of the crowd. Reputation serves as the best tool to lead the public.
This idea was proved in the novel To Kill A Mockingbird by the example of Atticus. The case which Atticus is handling to protect blacks not only makes people blame on him, but influences his family, Jem and Scout especially, as well. Also, because of the influence of Aunt Alexandra, Atticus started telling Scout to care about the name of the Finch Family.