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Vector Graphics

Published on Mar 08, 2016

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Vector Graphics

Photo by mastermindsro

Vector graphics are based on vectors, which lead through locations called control points or nodes. Each of these points has a definite position on the x- and y-axes of a plane and determines the direction of the path.

Photo by geckzilla

each path may be assigned various attributes, a value as stroke color, shape, curve, thickness, and fill.

Photo by flikr

The creation of digital images through a sequence of commands or mathematical statements.

Photo by photonburst

Untitled Slide

  • Vector graphics can be created using drawing packages, such as: Adobe Illustrator Adobe FreeHand CorelDRAW
Photo by jm3

Find another vector application!

Photo by caperberry.tj

Inkscape is a free and open-source vector graphics editor; it can be used to create or edit vector graphics

Photo by j_baer

Adobe Illustrator (ai)
Illustrator EPS (eps)
Illustrator Template (ait)
Adobe PDF (pdf)
Adobe FXG (fxg)
SVG Compressed (svgz)
SVG (svg)

Photo by mag3737