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Outdoor Learning

Published on Oct 22, 2018

Possible Improvements of a Local Outdoor Classroom


Outdoor Learning

A classroom with the environment 

Beautiful Local Outdoor Classroom

This picture is the actual Outdoor classroom I will be commenting on.

Positive Aspects:

-Various student seating
-Structurally sound
-Easy access to the school

Photo by Jean Lemoine

-Surrounded by nature
-Different ground areas (grass, wood chips, sand)
-Sufficient cover from the elements

Picture of the seating and ground cover of the learning area

Outdoor Learning Area

Possible Improvements 
Photo by Aaron Burden

Picnic tables placed under the tree for better cover of elements
Replace wood chips surrounding seating area with pea gravel or grass for better sitting experience

Install a learning station with a thermometer, rain catcher and sundial

Increase learning capacity by adding raised flower beds with herbs or flowers nearby

Bin with a set of clipboards & paper
(a wagon available for teacher use: books, crayons, rulers)

Photo by Sophie Mikat

Safe construction material (large weeping tiles, cones, buckets, gardening tools) for students to manipulate and transform: crawl spaces, reading area, play area

Include an area with loose parts

 (bigger parts than in the classroom sensory bins) 

Outdoor learning areas are wonderful for children; a simple picnic table under a tree or a full set up with multiple centres.
It gives children an opportunity to interact with nature and let their imagination flow.

Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.

- Aristotle

Photo by Kido_dong