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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Read all instructions and follow exactly what they say.

Messing around in the lab will lead to certain consequences, no exceptions

If you don't understand a part of the instructions, ask the teacher.

Photo by sandy.redding

Any incident, no matter how big or small it is, you must tell the teacher immediately.

Always move scissors and other sharp objects with the sharp end down and always cut away from yourself.

Photo by diongillard

Eating and drinking is strictly not allowed during labs; only eat, smell, or taste something if told to do so by your teacher.

Photo by HawkinsThiel

Keep and use of all safety equipment in the lab, such as: safety glasses, eye wash, fire blanket, fire extinguisher, lab shower and sharps/broken glass container.

Photo by bcostin

Tell a teacher about any damaged or broken equipment immediately.

Check cords and plugs for damage and keep the area dry when working with electronics.

Baggy clothes and long hair (especially fringes) must be neatly tied/pinned back whilst doing any experiment.

You must wear safety glasses when working with dangerous items.

Only mix chemicals in the order in the instructions. 

Always add acids last.

When smelling any chemical or substance, do so by wafting it towards you. Don't sniff it from the container.

All chemicals and any lab supplies must be returned at the end of the lab. No item should ever be taken out of the lab room.

Chemicals that touch the skin or eyes should be washed with water for a minimum of 20 minutes.

Keep your lab area neat and tidy.

Always get rid of liquids and chemicals properly (check if it is okay to tip them down the sink - not normally) and never return unused portions to the original container.

Solid rubbish should be placed in the bin; liquid wastes should be placed down the sink with lots of water or other disposal area as said by your teacher. 

Broken glass goes in the sharps container.

All equipment must be cleaned properly

Wash your hands at the end of each lab.