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Women's rights

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Women's rights

Lacy Hazelbaker presents: The Global Problem Of:

All around the world women are being treated as though they are not human beings. They lack the resources they need, they can't get jobs, and they are being physically harmed with no protection from the government. This needs to end.

women's rights in India

  • Sons are valued over daughters
  • Women would ABORT their daughters
  • They are deprived of their inheritance
  • 7.1 % hike in crimes against women 

Women's rights in Afghanistan:
There are no laws against violence or rape, and women face a risk to go to school if they even get the chance.

Photo by isafmedia

Women's rights in Nigeria:
1.Women are not allowed to progress past grammar school.
2. They are sold into marriage.
3. It is legally okay to beat and rape women.
This was caused by 30 years of military rule over the country.

Photo by ucsbdoc72

In Sudan:
The odds of dying during childbirth are greater than the odds of a woman completing primary school. Women can't access medical care, school, or even clean water.

Photo by wagdi.co.uk

Why is this a problem?
All of this violence and sexism is mostly caused by discrimination (thinking a certain way about women or another group), but it is also caused by lack of education, war, and poverty

Photo by Liam Wilde

How can we solve this horrible global problem?

Photo by luluv1

Women for Women International:
This is one organization that works to enforce women's rights.

Photo by Ame Otoko

What do they do?
They send groups to countries in need that teach women and give them mental support for all they have been through.

How do I think we can solve or begin to solve this problem?

Photo by colemama


Education for the women: If we educate the women in these countries they will be able to get jobs and even vindicate (stand up for) their own rights.

Education for the world:
Not everyone in the world knows this is going on, and if we spread the word of these women in need some advocates may arise and make a difference, causing a sea change. (The changing of opinions on a subject.)

Photo by Werner Kunz

Education for the children: Children are the future of this world, and they need to be educated correctly.

Photo by zilverbat.

Show the children around the world that this abuse to women is not okay, and help them to believe in goodness and equality (the same rights for everyone)!

Photo by Elton Soares

This change may come slow, but it is the only way to even attempt eliminating this problem. There will always be cruel and sexist people, but we can teach our children and the children around the world not to be this way, for a better tomorrow.

Photo by Claudio.Ar

How can we help today?
Tell your parents, tell your friends, donate to organizations like Women For Women, and speak for peace.

Photo by gagstreet


"About Us | How We Help Women Change Their Lives | Women for Women International." About Us | How We Help Women Change Their Lives | Women for Women
International. Women for Women International, 2014. Web. 12 May 2014.
K., Latha. "Effective Ways to Protect the Woman Human Rights." Www.un.org. Web. 13 May 2014. .

Shah, Anup. "Women's Rights." - Global Issues, 20 July 1998. Web. 11 May 2014. .

"Women's Rights." American Civil Liberties Union. ACLU. Web. 11 May 2014. .