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Slide Notes

Since the dawn of human history, mankind has been relying on narratives to pass-thru knowledge, entertainment, passion, fear, inspiration, etc.

Our ancestors used oral stories as long as 300.000 years ago. As they moved to the caves, they started to use "rupestre painting" to illustrate their assignments, their stories (50.000 BC), the first form of "frame" narrative.

The Greeks evolved from oral stories and painting to theatre, what I call "the first 3D storytelling".
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Short story of human narrative and the future of storytelling



the story of human narrative
Since the dawn of human history, mankind has been relying on narratives to pass-thru knowledge, entertainment, passion, fear, inspiration, etc.

Our ancestors used oral stories as long as 300.000 years ago. As they moved to the caves, they started to use "rupestre painting" to illustrate their assignments, their stories (50.000 BC), the first form of "frame" narrative.

The Greeks evolved from oral stories and painting to theatre, what I call "the first 3D storytelling".

Adding 3D

  • Filippo Brunelleschi
  • Nicéphore Niépce
  • Lumiére Brothers
In 1404 at Italy, Filippo Brunelleschi created the linear perspective, adding 3D to "the frame" and allow to direction the focus on the narrative. He opened up new possibilities for painting, which also led to the creation of photography by Nicéphore Niépce in 1826, and to the creation of motion pictures at 1895.

But the humankind still rely on the frame to create all kinds of narratives.
Photo by Cea.

panoramic video

In 1843 the first panoramic photo was taken. Once the negative was revealed the photographers understood the problems to use "frame" based equipment to create panoramic images. Terms like parallax, nadir and zenith points were early incorporated to the panoramic photography, but nothing was made in order to set the frame free.
Photo by zo1dberg


Google, Facebook, Apple, Lucasfilm, Dreamworks, among other big entertainment companies are betting on VR as the "new medium".
Facebook predicts that 500million users will be on VR in the next decade.
Google are leading a new holistic narrative, with their initiative called Spotlight Stories.
Dreamworks and Lucasfilm are experimenting animation and Computer Graphics on virtual reality.
But the lack of a great panoramic/Virtual Reality camera is a great opportunity for truly innovators.


We have two goals:

1. Create and Develop Virtual Reality Content for 3rd parties and for ourselves;
2. Create Solutions based on hardware/software for Virtual Reality.

We aim to create 720 films for VR in 12 months, or aprox. 1500 minutes of Virtual Reality Films.

We aim also to create a prototype in the next 12 months of a panoramic camera based on minimal sensors and lenses (3 or 4 only). With this prototype, we will create the best panoramic video camera ever.

But the big leap will happen in the next couple years with the creation of CubicTM and SphericalTM sensors, and also Recordable SurfacesTM.

We aim to create also the software needed for Capture, Edit and Publish VR Films, using panoGrama's player as the standard for computers, and eletronic devices (such as OTTs)


  • USD750k - first prototype (hardware and software)
  • USD750k - record content for licensing
1. Create our first prototype in 12 months will require 6 engineers working full time, and also electronic parts and software design.
2. Record 720 films in a year, will require a team of 7 people, working full time and available to travel all around the world.


  • USD100bi - Games
  • USD 90bi - Film
  • USD12bi - VR (in 2018)
  • USD40bi - other
1. Games would use our camera to recreate the world as it is. No more non-realistic world recreation, but video realistic.
2. Films would be recorded with our cameras, to complement or to full feature panoramic movies.
3. Virtual Reality would use our cameras to recreate the real world into movies, experiences, generated worlds, etc.
4. Defense, Surveillance, Forensic, Education and hundreds of other markets would use our camera.
Photo by ecstaticist


how VR will perform
We believe experinced based films (tourism, sports, music) and 3rd party/branded content will generate USD3mi in revenue in the next three years.

We also believe our products (hardware/software) could generate USD 2mi in revenue in the next tree years.

Among the industries benefit for our products/services are:

- Education
- Travel/Tourism
- Cinema/Animation
- Brand experiences
Photo by Columbiantony