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Summative Bulliying

Published on Nov 24, 2015

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How to act assertive in bullying situation. You can stand up straight and show that your serious about the problem. Look at the person in the eye to show that it's not a joke. Speak firm and clearly for example if they do not listen to you.

Different ways to say NO to bullies. Just leave them because you don't want to be with them. Join another group. Try to change the subject to stop talking about it. Tell them how it's breaking the school's code.

Different ways to seek for help in bulliying or peer pressure situation. Ask a friend to help discuss the problem and they can talk to them or add you to their group. You could ask a teacher and they could ask the child to stop. Have a private chat with your parents.

How to help others when getting bullied. Go up to the bully and ask to stop. You can add them to your group. You should just hang out with them to show them they are not alone. Tell a teacher because probably one of their students have been bullied before.

People who could help you in AISR when you're getting bullied or peer pressured. You should ask the councillor it's their job to help you with your problems, they can also contact your teachers and parents. Ask a teacher they could talk to the students and help you sort out your problems. Last one is the principal that's when it gets serious and they are always there to help you .