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Unit 7 Vocab Cards

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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  • Ô' thu rīz (v) to give power or authority
  • Authorize is to ban as pathetic is to funny.
Photo by dlofink


  • Dôd' le (v.) to waste time
  • Dawdle is to delay as hurry is to bustle
  • Please don't dawdle in front of that car.
Photo by Doug Waldron


  • Ek spend' (v.) to pay out
  • Expend is to save as Blight is to foster
  • I will expend my money on some shoes.


  • Gul' i bal (adj.) easily fooled
  • Gullible is to tricked as agenda is to schedule


  • I murs' (v.) to dip
  • Immerse is to dunk as pathetic is to funny
  • My dad immersed the shirt in the cold water.
Photo by Flavio~


  • Mem u ran' dum (n.) an informal note
  • Memorandum is to reminder as fatality is to mortality
  • I made a memorandum to wash the dishes after school.


  • Pur su vēr (v.) to refuse to quit
  • Persevere is to pursue as deem is to judge
  • The painter needs to persevere with his beautiful art work then to give up
Photo by m.gifford


  • Kwäsh (v.) to crush
  • Quash is to crush as douse is to soak
  • I will quash the soda can with my foot.
Photo by Pietro Zuco


  • Rem I nis (v.) to recall ones feelings
  • Reminisce is to collect as devastate is to destroy
  • I will reminisce my brothers feelings.


  • Tes' ta mō' nē ul (n.) expressing the value of something
  • Testimonial is to evidence as surge is to flood
  • The testimonial class was horrible.