Harvest Time

Published on Aug 31, 2019

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Harvest Time

steps to a great harvest

Matthew 9:35-38

Matthew 9:35-38

Motivation to Pray

1. Flows out of active ministry vs. 35

2. Happens through a clear picture of those in need vs. 36

3. Experiencing compassion for others vs. 36

4. Being obedient to Jesus’ command vs. 38

Sweet Hour of Prayer can be closing song if keyboard person is available
Photo by Aaron Burden

Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.

35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few

Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."

Mix it Up

with people vs. 35
Praying for the harvest begins by spending time outside of our normal relationships, creating new ones.....getting out there....

Jesus went through all the towns and villages,

Section of what is called his Galilean ministry...

all - thorough coverage

2 to 3 million people lived here, in 204 towns and villages - 3 years for Jesus to cover it .....off and on....

towns - translated city sometimes

villages - relatively unimportant population center, usually small villages were about 400 people, the major cities having 12-15000...some historians say that there were around 200 towns and villages in Galilee at this time

There are 132,000 people in Sterling Heights

Photo by Jens Johnsson

Get a Clear Picture

of the needs around us vs. 36
Through teaching in the synagogues - place where Israel worshipped and discussed the things of God

Through preaching - proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom

He is the Good News

His values are set out in the sermon on the mount in Mt 5-7

Parables - the kingdom of God is like.....

Healing - giving us a picture of what life will be like when the impact of sin on our bodies is no longer in play

disease - emphasis on the physical body experiencing some sort of problem we would call a disease

sickness - weakness that comes with being ill for a long period of time


A three fold ministry approach to the people in Galilee

Photo by Sid Verma


follow your vs. 36
What is God showing us about the needs in our community?

Compassion - that deep seated emotional moving that literally comes from your inward parts.....

sometimes translated love, deep affection that compels us to act

not something we can ignore....


harassed - troubled, anxious, confused, annoyed - opposite of peaceful

helpless - being thrown around without anyway to keep it from happening

no competent leaders described as sheep without a shepherd

area that is not being cared for - not being reached or ministered to...

Photo by Debby Hudson


to the Words of Jesus vs. 37
Jesus statement......

The harvest is

plentiful - a great number, much, many

132,000 in 36 square miles

75,250 who go nowhere to church......

But, in contrast to the need, those available to help with the harvest is little.....

40 of us......

Photo by Marcus Q


the Lord's command vs. 38
Ask.....aor passive imp


we are asking because of the effect the needs of others have had on us, that we instinctively, automatically,

God - the Lord of the Harvest

for what we lack

what do we need

specifically - send workers

laborers, those who are willing to work in the fields

ministry is hard work

Photo by Thao Le Hoang

Steps to Harvest Praying

  • Mix it up with others
  • Clarity about needs
  • Follow your heart
  • Listen to Jesus
  • Practice harvest praying


  • What are your plans to mix it up with people this fall?
  • What needs do you see?
  • Which needs "move" you?
  • Pray for workers.

Michael Cadrette

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