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Science Cba2

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The question I asked my self is ...
How does x-ray technology effect humans


  • Wilhelm Röntgen invented X-ray technology
  • Wilhelm was a German physicist
  • Wilhelm discovered X-rays by accident while using Crookes tubes in his lab he noticed the electric current was glowing off a board covered with Phosphorus behind him he covered the board and it still was glowing he then had discovered X-rays


  • X-rays are a very energetic form of electromagnetic radiation that can be used to take images of the human body
  • It’s very high energy with short wave length which is able to pass through materials that can’t be seen through by eye


  • An X-ray is produced when a negatively charged electrode is heated by electricity and electrons are released, thereby producing energy. That energy is directed toward a metal plate, or anode, at high velocity and an X-ray is produced when the energy collides with the atoms in the metal plate. When you go to get an X-ray, a cassette is placed behind or under the area of concern. This cassette holds the film that will be exposed by the X-ray.

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  • As the X-ray enters your body, it passes through your skin, muscles, and organs, as this type of soft tissue cannot absorb the energy of the X-ray. This appears dark on the film as it is now exposed. However, bone absorbs X-ray energy and does not expose the film. This area appears light or white on the film. This is how an X-ray image is created

This is a graph that shows the wavelength and intensity of a X-ray


  • They can show us images of brakes , fractures , cracks etc but also show us damages to vital organs such as the brain
  • They can be used to access injuries but also keep check on how the injury etc is healing
  • X-rays can be used by doctors, surgeons dentists etc


  • An X-ray can help diagnose a medical issue or monitor treatment progression without the need to physically enter and examine a patient.
  • X-rays can help guide medical professionals as they insert catheters, stents, or other devices inside the patient. They can also help in the treatment of tumors and remove blood clots or other similar blockages

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  • An X-ray can sometimes show up a feature or pathology that is different from the initial reason for the imaging. For instance, infections in the bone, gas or fluid in areas where there should be none, or some types of tumor.


  • X-rays can cause mutations in our DNA and, therefore, might lead to cancer later in life.
  • The more X-rays you get causes the chances of u getting cancer to rise
  • Exposure to high radiation levels can have a range of effects, such as vomiting, bleeding, fainting, hair loss, and the loss of skin. However, X-rays provide such a low dose of radiation that they are not believed to cause any immediate health problems.


  • I think X-rays are really good and very helpful, I think it was a great discovery and makes things a little easier for doctors etc to find out things like if a bone is broke or not etc


  • I learned a lot about X-rays as I knew very little before I did this project,my research helped me learn a lot as I was interested on the the effects of X-rays for example the positives and negatives

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  • One thing I found interesting was the more X-rays u get increases the chances of u getting cancer

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  • This is my presentation on how X-ray technology effects humans
  • Thanks for listening