4 week coaching package for pro bono

Published on May 13, 2021

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4 week coaching package for Pro Bono clients

Let's start with what is the purpose of doing this?

Coaching buddies at the college are great, but the real growth and belief will come outside of the college


  • Moving through more clients. (opportunities to turn them into paying clients, or refer you onto paying clients).
  • More experience with different problems/challenges, personalities, reactions, behaviours, language, reading people.
  • Build you own growth and experience (confidence), as you are coaching people who don't know the 12 step model.
  • Learning to exchange your time/value for something in return: Testimonial, referral, and feedback.
  • Coinnecting your brains nueral pathway with exchanging your services for something (create invoice each time)

Start to set your intentions to get in front of as many people as possible to learn, grow and turn some into paying clients.

Stop looking for Confidence! Look for experience.

Share your passion and curiosity with others!

The 4 week Package

Be realistic about what you can achieve in 4 weeks

Might be good to work on something internal: Finding voice, courage, strength, passion etc.

Make sure the language you set is always around what the client can work on over the next 4 weeks

Session 1:
Shortened Intro and wheel of life.

example of intro questions

  • why are you here? what do you want to get out of the next 4 weeks with me?
  • What feelings have you been experiencing on a day to day basis recently?
  • What would you like to be feeling more of?
  • If life could be exactly the way you wanted it to be in 2 years, what would it look, feel, sound like?

Do the wheel of life and ask what would they want to work on over the next 4 weeks?

Session 2:
GROW model

It is great unpacking and creating awareness.

Session 3:
Based on what the outcome is from previous session, choose session 3-10 to give them help around what they want.

Listen to what the issue is for the client:
1: Stuck in the past.
2: Not happy with present self.
3: Not clear about the future

Session 4:
Combine session 11 and 12

Run through session 12 with language around what changes the client has/hasn't made over the last 4 weeks.

Remember, this is designed to get them moving, but wanting more...

Following the last session, tell them you will send email asking for testimonial and feedback questions

Feedback questions:
What is the number 1 take away/breakthrough from working with me?
What would you say to someone thinking of hiring me as a coach?

What happens if they want to pay and work with you more?

Go back to the wheel of life and work out what else they want to work on in more depth

You get to choose how many session as a paying client.

Remember you are worthy & deserving of everything you have & receive in life.

daniel beeson

Haiku Deck Pro User