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Published on May 04, 2016

Your three personal demons have a message for you.


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Photo by funtik.cat

Hello young child. You may not know who I am, but I know who you are.

Photo by khalid Albaih

You see, some people are destined for greatness, made to rule this world!

You are not one of those people.

Photo by JD Hancock

I am of your three demons, the middle child, as you may call it.

Photo by Melinda Taber

Shame is my younger brother, who sits on your right shoulder. Shame makes you feel bad for everything you have.

Photo by BlueRobot

Fear is my older brother, who sits on your left shoulder. Fear makes you self conscious. He lowers your self esteem and makes you afraid to take risks.

Photo by stuant63

But who am I? I am the worst of your demons, but you see me as a friend because I live in your heart.

Photo by vidalia_11

I force you to endure, to keep going even when you feel everything is gone.

Photo by -Reji


Photo by mlgroveruk