1MBB - South Africa
PRESENTATION OUTLINESUMMARY CONCEPT Operation HOPE and the Government of South Africa to collaborate to encourage a Black Small Business Generation in South Africa. Initiative proposed to the South African Consul General of New York. BENEFITS TO THE GOVERNMENT The major challenge in mother South Africa is not race, but poverty. Economic equality. There are not enough government, nor corporate jobs to satisfy the need. This will create a growing foundation of tax revenue for the future of the country. This initiative will literally assist in the stabilization fo democracy ELEMENTS OF 1MBB SOUTH AFRICA Extension of 2020-2030 partnership between Operation HOPE and Shopify. Part of overall $130M (U.S.) commitment by Shopify to create 1 million new black owned businesses. MANAGEMENT Initiative would be managed by Operation HOPE, Inc. A Initiative through 2030. Project management team on the ground in South Africa. Quarterly reporting. MISSION & VISION It is proposed that the government of South Africa provide both country-wide and continent-wide leadership around a new decade’s long movement of small business creation and entrepreneurship. A Silver Rights Movement focused on income and wealth equality, and GDP growth for nations. Haiku Deck Pro User