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After going through some inspiration ideas the fact that kids at age 10 have phones gave me idea since they are all addicted and/or stuck to their phones.

This is the photoshopped version of “The new Generation” it is mixed with the abstract color triangles to create this new look.

After finishing my homework I thought of drawing something as my wallpaper and the character Francisca was the perfect fit since she was my favorite color and is also sensitive even shy.

After having nothing to do on 10/22/18 I decided to do something that has something to do with Splatoon 2 since previously I did the 4 styles of drawing something assignment, I did an octoling in octopus form so then I decided to do and octoling (in my favorite color)since it was Octo-ber(if you play the game then you get this pun).

In art 1 I decided to do a new art style what I chose was ‘anime’ I drew this school girl Misty Hanamura (yes this is the name I made up) a girl in my class named Jennifer helped me do the face shape and eyes since I had trouble since it was my first time using the style.

This is the original non-digital version of Misty Hanamura that is drawn in my Art 1 sketchbook.

I was looking through ideas for a clan mascot or banner I decided to do a blue fox and my clan’s abbreviations (MSK1) my mashup turned into this aftermath of both ideas.

I had an idea of doing something that relates to plague doctors so the first thing that came to my mind was plague knight from Shovel knight so to ‘briefly’ explain this story plague knight the mentor of Plague (she is training to become one of the Knights of Plague). He asks her what the experiment (the person reading) is dying from she obviously answers in a imaginative matter, this then leads to an argument about her mentor plague knight.

This is the original non-digital version of the first comic (previous slide) that was drawn in my Art 1 sketch book that is in-blurred (the blurred version is on Artsonia).

This is the second comic of “Plague and her mentor’s adventures” here they continue to argue about Plague new look (her new cape and eye color [her eye color shows how evil or nice she is, so compared to before she got a little darker]) her mentor Plague knight asks if she has other differences besides her cape after she answers he asks if she can beat Specter knight(a high level knight who is neither a villain or hero) in a scythe battle Plague says that if she did battle her she’d probably die which is correct since Psecter specializes in all weapons but the scythe is the one she wields the best.

This is my before (August 12) and after(December 20) self portrait looking at both still give me nightmares but there is so much improvement.

One of my teachers (Mr.C) from speech & Debate did a waste free poster contest and I was one of the top of all of the periods (I think I was first place) it was cool making a ‘trash-free’ idea.

This idea is from the fact that I lost one of my friends (It really wasn’t a big deal since we got into ‘little’ verbal fights) I wrote the lyrics of ‘Somebody I used to Know’ by Gotye since it talks about losing someone from his relationship (but in this case a friend) some of the lyrics were adjusted so it would sound fitting.

This is also part of the ‘I lost my friend to popular people’ album so far there are three, anyways this one shows how ignorant my friend is to me in the one class we share together that also use Gotye’s lyrics.

The third (and maybe last) ‘I lost my friend’ series, this one shows how different we are in style, personality, grades and etc, so now you know what probably caused our friendship ending (ex.the fact she hangs out with popular kids) I would rather chose quality over quantity when it comes to friends.

It’s the new school year and here is the first piece to kick off 8th grade! It is a new updated fox that will serve as a PowerSchool avatar or something.

As our second entry for my ‘8Album’we have my digital planner cover that I designed in my Art III class, enjoy looking at it.

For entry three of ‘8Album’ I present to you the Motivational Stars! This entry might actually get to be a comic strip or something.

Here is my new fourth 8Album entry that accompanies my “Having a friend is learning to let go” adobe spark video that has advice and personal facts about how I survived the whole small depression section of losing a friend. To further explain the illustration the person is me, the flowers represents the regret and memories you had with your former friend, the broken heart with “BFF” engraved on it represents the heartbreak, and the balloon represents your friend who is floating away. Since “I” am not holding the ballon anymore it symbolizes that I ‘let go’ of the person.f

(The Finalized Version of “Letting Go”)

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For Now...
Photo by nosha

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