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Us Vs Swiss Gun Laws

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In switzerland gun laws are very strict resulting in a low rate of mass shootings in fact switzerland has not had a mass shooting since 2001 when a man shot dead 14 people followed by himself. Switzerland must be proud of how they handle their gun violence. Meanwhile, the USA can’t say the same.

The US has the highest rate of gun ownership at about 120 guns for every 100 people. That means that the US has more guns than people in its country. The total number of guns versus population of the USA is 326,474,000 people to 393,347,000 guns. So there are 66,873,000 more guns than people in the U.S.

The state in the USA with the highest gun violence rate is Alaska. Alaska has very few laws involving guns which takes part in the high violence rate they have. Most of their laws involving guns are considered "optional". They also own the majority of the US's guns

Now thinking about the laws in switzerland involving guns they are very strict. They target specific situations that America does not. This could definitely be a factor in their lower violence rates. Things such as gun transportation have many supporting laws to keep the country safe.

Many weapons are illegal in switzerland some of those weapons are, machine guns, daggers over 30 cm long, tasers, stun guns, shock rods, throwing stars, butterfly knives, and brass knuckles.

Many of these weapons are illegal because they are small and can be hidden easily while in public, but pulled out fast for injury. For example stun guns can be easy to hide as they look simalir to a charging bank or a phone. Some comapany's even have made stun gun phone cases so it's even harder to to see if its just a large case or a weapon.

As far as laws go in Alaska, there just aren't many to talk about. They do also have weapons that are illegal including fully automatic guns, and Rifles with a barrel less than 16". Meanwhile not many other weapons are illegal in Alaska. Even stun guns, tasers, and shock rods are all legalized throughout Alaska. Nevermind their out of sight look and deadly electric charge Alaska has them legalized as a self defense mechanism.

You may be wondering when the US had its last mass shooting and you will be shocked when you hear that it was only a couple days ago on Saturday, October 27th 2018. At the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh PA. More than 8 people were anouced dead and 6 others were injured. The shooter was a 48 year old male named Robert Bowers. Robert busted into the synagogue, armed with an AK 47 and 2 pistols, while saying "ALL JEWS MUST DIE". Once the cops arived on the scene he surendered and was tooken into police custody.

The USA could definitly learn somthing from switzerland, but it's not only the laws that need some change it's also the people. When someone is shot with a gun its not the guns fault, because some one has to pull the trigger. Many of the shootings people have heard about latley have involved a metaly ill shooter.

Hearing that means that the US has to also focous of the metal heath of their population. Ultimatly there is 2 solutions to this, get the people help, or add more laws involving people with metal illnesses with guns.

I hope that in the coming years the US could learn from switzerland and focous on these specific issues as well as big issues.