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Natural Disasters-Volcanoes

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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What is a volcano?

A volcano is a mountain that opens downward to a pool of molten rock below the surface of the earth.

What causes it? How is it formed and where does it come from?
It is caused when plate tectonics move and the friction causes earthquakes and volcanic eruptions near the edges of the plates. They are formed when magma from within the Earths upper mantle works it's way up to the surface. At the surface, it erupts to form lava and ash deposits. It comes from the earths upper mantle.

What takes place during a volcanic eruption?
First, pressure builds up. Gases and rocks shoot up through the opening and spill over the air with lava fragments. Then lava and hot ash flows. Sometimes they can take out an entire forest. Also, sometimes they can trigger other natural disasters.

What scientific process causes this to occur? What is the scientific background behind this disaster?
When tectonic plates and air pressure builds up, that's when volcanoes erupt.

What are different types/magnitudes are there? Cinder cones, composite volcanoes, shield volcanoes, and lava volcanoes. Cinder cones are circular and oval, composite volcanoes are steep sided with many layers, shield volcanoes are bowl shaped, and lava volcanoes are also steep sided mounds formed when lava is too thick to flow.

What are some of the major natural disasters that have occurred in your lifetime?
I didn't get to experience one but, there was one that occurred in Alaska.

What is the worst disaster of this kind throughout history?
The worst disaster was at Yellowstone about 2.2 million years ago. Other notable volcanic eruptions are Krakatoa, Mt. Pelee, Mt. Fujiyama.

What are the effects/ impacts of this disaster on humans and society? Economical Impact?
It could kill us and cause a bad economic toll on the economy because we would have to pay for damaged stuff.

What are the effects and impact on the environment?
It could destroy animals habitats and cause serious medical problems. If something dies off, extinction might occur.

What tools and methods are used to predict this natural disaster? Tools such as tilt meters, gas samples, thermal imagers, seismic monitors, and radar mapping instruments are used to predict volcanoes.

Are signals used to warn people of a disaster that is about to occur?
Yes, signals such as small earthquakes beneath the volcano, slight inflation, or swelling.

Is there evidence of animals sensing this natural disaster before it occurs? Yes, birds are sensitive to air pressure, so when they feel it, they fly away.

"Weather Wiz Kids Weather Information For Kids" Weather Wiz Kids Weather Information For Kids. N.p., n.d Web.01 May.2014
*PBS. PBS, n.d Web.30 Apr.2014
*PBS. PBS, n.d Web.01 May.2014
"What is the largest eruption ever? |volcano world. N.p., n.d. Web.01 May 2014