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Published on May 11, 2017

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by Owen Furlong 
Photo by monsieurlam

eminem early life

  • 1 Grow. Born in st. Joseph missouri.
  • 2 early life. his childhood was bad because his dad left him as a infant and he changed schools two to three time a year.
  • 3 school. the school experience was bad he did not go to a school for more than a year and had no close friends.

2. When Eminem first started he would go into rap battles and be booed because rappers were mostly black.

Photo by monsieurlam

3.Eminem had many successes one of them was becoming a rapper. Another success was a baby named Hailie Jade Scott.

4. Eminem was able to overcome his challenges by practicing over and over again. He also would take words from the dictionary and just making raps.

5. Eminem was inspired by his Uncle Ronnie who helped him find words that rhymed. He also gave him rap music to listen to.

Photo by monsieurlam

6.Eminem left an impact on the music industry not only because he was one of the first white rappers but because he also had different rapping style.

7.Eminem got his name because of his initials M&M.

Photo by monsieurlam