Some Observations

Published on Dec 11, 2015

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Some Observations

about where Joy can be found 
Photo by CatDancing

Joy can be found

Everyday rhythms

Photo by omefrans

It's a boy!

in good news

Good news

word for the gospel

a good announcement delivered by specially designed announcers

A savior

saviour - usually used with personal context, one who rescues, preserves, protects

Christ - Messiah

The Lord- the sovereign King

looking for someone to follow?

Has been born to you -

actually every one, but you are part of everyone

interesting how the announcement goes from very personal to very general

in the city of David

Bethlehem - means the place of bread is where the bread of life Jn 6:35 is born.....

in fulfillment of a plan that God has had in place since the world began

Lamb slain from the foundation of the world Rev 13:8

Bethlehem had quite a historical significance in Israel's history

Town established by Joshua's assistant Caleb, where David and his descendants were all born.....Ruth, Obed Jesse,,,
Photo by Rick Bolin

Some Definitions

Photo by CatDancing


  • not an emotion
  • but can be emotional
  • not happiness
  • but more enduring
not an emotion

but can be emotional

not happiness

Job 20:5

but more enduring because joy is a state of being.....

A state of being

Joy is a constant state of well-being that flows out of being convinced that God is trustworthy, then acting on that belief.

Some Suggestions

Experiencing Joy this Christmas
Photo by CatDancing

Read the Story

out loud like the angels did
Photo by WorldLitToday

Think About It

"personal pondering"
Think about it....

How the details of the story of Jesus birth has impacted your life

take some time to reflect during these busy days

protect some time for this

throw everything together in a pile and sort it out


Tell Your Story

how God became your savior, priority, joy
Tell Your Story

How God became your

savior - how you personally connected with your preserver, protector, redeemer

priority - glorify

give credit

give place of honor

source of joy - praise



Michael Cadrette

Haiku Deck Pro User