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Noble Gases

Published on Oct 25, 2018

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Noble Gases

Photo by Jeremy Brooks

Noble Gases

  • Helium
  • Neon
  • Argon
  • Krypton
  • Xenon
  • Radon
Photo by Holger Link

About Noble Gases

  • They were not discovered until the end of the 1800's
  • They are very rare elements
  • These elements were not discovered until helium was found on the sun

Where Noble Gases can be found

  • Argon is found in light bulbs
  • Helium is used in deep-sea diving tanks
  • Neon is found in sign tubing
  • Krypton and Xenon are used in camera flash and lighthouses
Photo by olga.reznik


Photo by fdecomite

Physical characteristics of Neon

  • Neon is colorless under normal conditions
  • Neon is also odorless
  • Neon glows when an electric voltage passes through it
  • Neon is a light, inert gas
Photo by Arlo Bates

About Neon

  • Neon's atomic number is 10
  • Neon's atomic mass is 20.1797
  • Neon is a non-metal
  • Neon's density is 0.9002 g/mL and would float in water

Where Neon can be found

  • It is used in neon lights
  • It is used to make lasers
  • Liquid neon is an cryogenic refridgerant
Photo by FastLizard4

Interesting facts about neon

  • Neon has no biological role
  • Neon does not react with other substances
  • Neon can be found in diamond and some volcanic vents

Historical facts about neon

  • Neon was found by Sir William Ramsay and Morris Travers in the year 1898 in a sample of liquid air
  • The name 'neon came from the greek word 'neon' which means 'new'