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Audience Tasks

Published on Jan 21, 2016

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Audience Tasks

Who is my audience? (Age)

  • Our chosen audience for Nocturnal is aged around 15-24 year olds; this due to the fact it will be more appealing and engaging because they can relate to the film as the characters are between these ages. Age 15 is the period in which young people begin to go away on their first holiday unsupervised, establishing a more authentic and realistic tone for the audience.

Who is my audience? (Gender)

  • Thriller films appeal to both male and female audiences, this is because they involve both genders having main parts. Males are often interested in thrillers due to intensity it brings to them causing an adrenaline rush, whereas females are often interested in thrillers as it plays questions in their heads, creating anticipation as to what will happen next. However due to my thriller involving mainly more feminime characters in the opening scene, this might draw a more female audience, although the aprehension of what will unravel later on should engage a male audience too.

Who is my audience? (region)

  • My thriller may appeal to more westernized countries, such as England and USA, i think this is because the thriller will be more realistic to people who have easy access to similar surroundings and can relate to what takes place in the begging e.g the gathering. this creates intensity for the audience as it generates fear.