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Cognition Project

Published on Apr 07, 2016

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Cognition Project

Photo by jepoirrier


  • The time has come again for me to take another vocab quiz for AP Government and I'm having trouble remembering terms.
Photo by albertogp123

Memory Problems

  • Retrograde amnesia, an inability to retrieve past information, could pose as a problem in the sense that it could prevent me from remembering the words I previously learned.
Photo by Lorena Biret

Memory Problems

  • The misinformation effect, the act of including misleading information into memory of an event could present a problem if I began to incorporate a part of another definition into one in which it doesn't belong.
Photo by Lorena Biret

Memory Problems

  • Source amnesia is a common problem that has occurred previously when studying for these quizzes. I would see the information and know it but not remember what it was from
Photo by Lorena Biret

Memory Problems

  • Retroactive interference is another common problem when it comes to learning new terms as the new information hinders my ability to remember the old ones.
Photo by Lorena Biret

Memory Problems

  • Construction can be very demeaning and hurtful, its the act of memory being formed by an outside source. So if I fall asleep studying with the tv on and i hear something in my sleep that might correlate with one of the words I learned it could undermine my studying
Photo by Lorena Biret

Memory Plans

  • The spacing effect should help with not losing old information when acquiring new information because its not all being encoded at once.

Memory Plans

  • In conjunction with the spacing effect, chunking or organizing items into familiar manageable units will be productive because if I can group the terms into similar mental categories that make sense to me then I can remeber them easier

Memory Plans

  • A big part of remembering a long list of anything is using divergent thinking, which is looking for multiple ways to solve a problem or think about something. The more ways I can think of and use to help me study these words the better I'll be able to remember everything

Memory Plans

  • Two more methods that somewhat go hand in hand are effort processing and long term potentiation. With effort processing you're putting work into remembering something and as you put effort into remembering those things you're also strengthening those neutral selections in the brain. That's how those two things go together.

Memory Plans

  • This will come into play when studying because the more I study and work at remembering things the easier it will come because it will also be strengthening those pathways and helping me to retain that learned information

Memory Plans

  • Two more concepts that go together in a way are self reference effect and availability heuristic. Both have to do with ones self but in a different way as self reference deals with remembering based on how much the subject relates to the self. Availability heuristic deals with comparing something to what you see often

Memory Plans

  • Two more concepts that go together in a way are self reference effect and availability heuristic. Both have to do with ones self but in a different way as self reference deals with remembering based on how much the subject relates to the self. Availability heuristic deals with comparing something to what you see often
  • This plays into my memorization because if I can make the words pertain to me in some type of way then I will be able to remember them better. Also, if a am able to make connections with things I see often that will also help me in the encoding process.

Memory Plans

  • Schema, a mental group of similar ideas, objects, or events is very similar to chunking but focuses more on the concept rather than the action. This will be helpful when it comes to making connections between different words within the list

Memory Plans

  • Maintenance rehearsal is helpful for the moments right before taking the quiz because it's keeping the information in STM. So when you get ready to actually quiz the information is already ready to go and fresh on the mind.
Photo by Adam Mulligan

Memory Plans

  • Method of Loci is the final memory idea that will be utilized. It has to deal with mnumanic filing and making a memory palace. Coming up with acronyms or mnumanics to help me memorize difficult words, no matte how crazy, like he porn acronym, might make of break my quiz grade.


  • Erik Kandel is important in this memory plan because he discovered long term potentiation and how it worked which is beneficial because now through his methods I can maxmizie my chances of remembering information.
Photo by falequin


  • Hermann Ebbinghaus was significant because he came up with the forgetting curve which determined how long we would retain learned information. This is especially important because it lets me know how much or how long I need to study to retain information for the appropiate amount of time
Photo by falequin