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Religion Vocabulary

Published on Mar 08, 2016

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Religion Vocabulary


  • the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal god or god
  • I chose this picture because some people believe there is higher power in the sky, "The man upstairs"
  • I chose this picture because its someone reaching out and putting there faith in a higher power


  • someone who supports a particular party, person, or set of ideas.
  • I chose this picture because this is a group of people together supporting one thing.
Photo by mayanais


  • is the state of mind in which a person thinks something to be the case, with or without there being empirical evidence to prove that something is the case with factual certainty.
  • i chose this picture because they follow what they think in there heart not what they know in there mind.


  • the doctrine or belief that there is only one God.
  • I chose this picture because this religion states there is only one god.
Photo by andrechinn


  • the belief in or worship of more than one god.
  • i chose this because there is more than one god in this religion and in the picture the one hand (person) in reaching out to multiple hands ( gods)
Photo by sclopit


  • is not a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods; it is a lack of belief in gods. Older dictionaries define atheism as "a belief that there is no God."
  • this picture says god is not great therefore stating they don't believe in a god
Photo by edtechie99


  • one who believes it impossible to know anything about God or about the creation of the universe and refrains from commitment to any religious doctrine. An atheist is one who denies the existence of a deity or of divine beings.
  • i chose this because this belief states in the creation of the universe there was and is so god and don't believe in having a religion and the picture is of plants which shows they believe they don't think the universe came from god just science.


  • belief in the existence of a god or gods, especially belief in one god as creator of the universe, intervening in it and sustaining a personal relation to his creatures.
  • i chose this because the picture shows how one person created the earth and has a relationship with the world by holding it.
Photo by JasonTank