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Slavery in the united states

Slavery people took kids out of their moms they also took older people.

Slavery people didn't care about there ages they just took people and slaved them.

Slavery people used slave chains and put thousands of people and children in boats.

people in slavery would get hit if they won't do the right thing.

Michigan hotel owner Seymour finney gave people escaping slavey a place in Canada.

  • Michigan hotel owner Seymour finney gave people escaping slavey a place in Canada.

slavery people would still slave people even tho it was algal.

  • slavery people would still slave people even tho it was algal.

The underground railroad
enslaved people risked their lives to escape from slavery and gain their freedom. To help fugitives, abolitionist created the underground railroad. the underground railroad was not a was not a real railroad, but a system of secret routes used by people escaping slavery. the Fugitive headed for northern states, where slavery was illegal, and for Canada, where they could be free.

helping fugitives
The second baptist church in Detroit was important underground railroad stations. The church was founded in 1836 by 13 formerly enslaved people. Almost 5,000 fugitives received food and shelter.

A new political party
As the nation argued over slavery, 3,000 people met in a grove of oak trees in Jackson, Michigan, only July 6,