
Published on Nov 06, 2020

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are dismissed...
Photo by Brett Jordan

Fist Bump

Concerned about becoming the reason behind spreading

Covid is making its way through the community -

Local groups having to shut down because of positive tests

Err on the side of caution

Fist bump please.....
Photo by jgarber

Untitled Slide

A couple of weeks ago I came in to the church and there was an envelope with my name on it......

and it was for pastor appreciation .....

with a gift card for the horse shoe and some other things....

didn't expect that since we have only been here a short time

so thank you we do not take that thoughtfulness for granted


ID:2891599298 PW: 8104347986
Photo by Vitor Conti

BIG Picture

Second Phase - Assessment
Moving into the second phase of the interim pastor process

the goal is to find you a new permanent pastor

1. Get acquainted October 1st - October 31st

get to know each other better

2. Assessment process - November 12 - Dec 15

Decide on and take assessment
How do we describe Brown City Missionary Church for our community and ultimately to a prospective new pastor

3. Put action steps from assessment into practice Dec 15 - March 14

Discuss/Start candidating process
Monitor progress in putting action steps into practice

4. Celebrate reaching March 14th - will we have our next pastor by then or do we need to extend my time here past the current end date of March 14th.
Photo by incognito7nyc


Board decides this Thursday about which assessment tool to use.....

See your board members for more details about the process. They have a copy and can get you one.

Michael Cadrette

Haiku Deck Pro User