Why is water safety important?
Water safety is important because there is a very high risk of drowning for kids and taking safety precautions is important.
Why is water temperature important?
Because swiming in water that is too cold can be dangerous for your health.
What is the difference between water safety at the beach and water safety at the lake?
At the beach, it's important that you watch out for waves, tides, and sea animals such as jellyfish. But at the lake, it's important of always have an adult near and be careful of who is driving the boat if you are boating.
What are waterborne illnesses and how do you prevent getting them?
Waterborne illnesses are illnesses that you can catch from when you have contact, swallow, or breath in contaminated water. To prevent getting an illness avoid swallowing water and go to the restroom often.
What special precautions should you take at home pools?
You should put a gate for the pool to keep kids from accidentally falling in.
What should I do if someone is drowning?
Help them.
Discuss water safety with babies
It's important to always keep an eye on your baby when near a body of water. It is also a risk of babies getting diseases so it's important to take precautions for that.