Slide Notes
This was created as part of my first day routines with all my Primary Science classes.
Everyone hopes for the best at the start of the school year. New teachers, new subjects, and new expectations can be daunting but don't worry there a few simple procedures we will learn from the start that will make our time together go as smoothly as possible.
First, notice how our windsurfer is controlling whether he sinks or floats, that's just like each of you - you are in control of your choices every time you come into our classroom. Wise choices will more you forward and allow you to have fun, while poor choices won't.
Second, even though there is a lot of interesting stuff to see all around him, the surfer isn't distracted, he's looking at his goal, at the place he wants to go. In our class, we can't allow ourselves or each other to get distracted from our goals. We will have our goals clearly posted and talk about them often and we will remind each other to stay focused on reaching the learning we are here for. I will help us do this when I teach and by helping students who are being distracted.
Third, our surfer isn't out on the lake with an ice cream cone in his bikini. He is prepared and has all the materials he needs to reach his goal. In our class we will need certain materials each time we are together and sometimes we will need special items. As students, you must remember all the materials you need every class and as your teacher, I must tell you clearly when you need special materials.
Finally, our surfer understands that his activity can be dangerous and he makes wise choices about safety. In our class we have special safety procedures that everyone must follow, every time so no one gets hurt and nothing gets damaged. This includes always making safe choices when we are on the internet as well as moving around the learning spaces and doing fun activities.
We will talk more about all of these things in the days and weeks to come.