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Healthy foods for muscle building

Published on Nov 22, 2017

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Healthy foods for muscle building

YazanM 82
Photo by Nanagyei

EGGS are an essential for muscle building. they are affordable and full of amino acids which is amazing for muscles.

the second food for muscle building is beef (lean beef). good for muscles but dont overload on it. it is high in calories.

Photo by comprock

chicken breast. is one of the most popular foods that are packed, stuffed with protein.

cottage cheese might taste bad but is rich in protein and is good, easy to find. but is very high in sodium.

Photo by freeloosedirt

fish is basically an essential, it is rich in protein and natural.

avocado is very good because it has fat, even though you want muscle you still need fat for your body.

protein powder is just very easy to digest and is good for your muscles, but the downside is it douesn't fill you up that much.

Photo by LoKan Sardari

oatmeal is just amazing for your body and is affordable. it can also go with a protein shake. great source of fibre.

Photo by DeSegura89

sweet potato tastes amazing and goes with a lot of food, it is affordable and great for muscle.

Photo by banger1977

whole grains, for example brown rice. it is rich in all stuff basically and way healthier than white rice.

Photo by loopcd