Gifts that Fit

Published on Jul 16, 2021

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Gifts that Fit

I Corinthians 14:1-25

1 Corinthians 14:1-5

Photo by Daniel Y. Go

Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy. For anyone who speaks in a tongue[a] does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit.

But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort. Anyone who speaks in a tongue edifies themselves, but the one who prophesies edifies the church.

I would like every one of you to speak in tongues, but I would rather have you prophesy. The one who prophesies is greater than the one who speaks in tongues, unless someone interprets, so that the church may be edified.

Some Background

Only NT passage that teaches on the subject of tongues

Corrective teaching for the most openly “spiritual” yet divided and quarreling church in the New Testament

Prominence in notoriously unspiritual church

Teaching was how to regulate the gift rather than encourage its use

Book of Acts is only other book that deals with the subject
Photo by Justin in SD

Some Definitions

  • Prophecy – explaining, under the Holy Spirit’s influence, the significance of God’s words and actions for the present or revealing what God intends for the future
  • Tongues – ability to speak another language that one has never learned used to verify Holy Spirit’s work

Some Perspective

When tongues is over emphasized......

Sign for the unsaved 1 Corinthians 14:22

Acts 2 Pentecost hearers

Acts 10 Message to Cornelius

Acts 19 message to 12 disciples of John the Baptist

No instance where doctrine is revealed

In Acts 2 the Jews on Pentecost were converted not after they heard tongues but after Peter’s preaching

Paul does not say...

  • Tongues are evil
  • Tongues have ceased
  • Tongues are for everyone - don't miss out
  • Tongues are evidence of real spirituality
Tongues are evil

Tongues have ceased

Tongues are for everyone – don’t miss out

Which leads us to Paul’s recurring point – if you exercise your personal spiritual gifts in the context of the larger church you will be fulfilled, happy, sense of importance etc.

– but it’s a by product not the primary goal

Tongues are evidence of “real spirituality”
Photo by Kyle Glenn

Build the Church

constantly vs. 1,5,12
Run after – pursuing love

strive, desire, exert oneself earnestly - word we get zeal from

Emphasize prophecy – to expound scripture, to speak and preach under the influence of the Holy Spirit.
Liddell, H. (1996). A lexicon : Abridged from Liddell and Scott's Greek-English lexicon. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.

Keep on pursuing love

Keep on striving for spiritual things

Keep an emphasis on prophecy

Keep an emphasis on what builds up the church – 4,5,12,18,26
Photo by Josh Olalde

“Better” Ministry Choices

vs. 2-5

Speaks to God
Is not understood
Utters mysteries
Edifies himself
Tongues is OK
Lesser gift


Speaks to men
Edifies the church
Prophecy is better
Greater gift


Evaluate Regularly - Assess the value of a ministry choice 6-12

Does some good - Provides some assistance

Reveals some truth - revelation
Explains God’s words and actions - prophecy
Provides doctrinal instruction - instruction

(Illus. 3 fold purpose of the message in a worship service)

Information is distinctive unless I can make out the different points it is just noise

Application is clear – when the trumpet is sounded it means time to obey a call to action – gearing up for some major activity

Words are intelligible – I might as well be trying to decipher a foreign language…….

(Illus. Implications for us as we attempt to connect with our culture in ways that they can understand)

Identify the goal of the ministry

Preaching/teaching has a goal

Done with excellence

Building up the church

Be Aware

of other's needs
remember tongues is a very personal centered and is easily pointed in teh wrong direction

Pray for interpretation if you pray in a tongue

Spirit with our spirit and our mind

Sing with our spirit and our mind

Praise God with our spirit and our mind

So the result is….

Understanding - Aha!

Affirmation - Amen

Edification – Thanks, I needed that
Photo by ºNit Soto


can be outreach
Curiosity will result – not revulsion

Conviction will result – not ridicule

Contrast will result – not rejection

Cleansing will result – not resistance

If it is understandable.....
Photo by Ahad Uddin


is really among you
Photo by John Price

Gifts that Fit

  • Build up constantly
  • Better ministry choices
  • Aware of other's needs
  • Worship as outreach
Be a Continual Builder

Make “better” ministry choices
Evaluate regularly
Be aware of the needs of others
See the worship service as outreach tool
Photo by Treddy Chen

Michael Cadrette

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