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Social Psychology

Published on Mar 31, 2016

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Social Psychology

Interpersonal Attraction
Photo by afagen

Social Psychology:
The study of how our thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and behaviors are influenced by interactions with others.

Social Cognition:
Focuses on how we perceive, store, and retrieve information about social interactions

Photo by pni

Common Questions:

  • Why did are we friends?
  • Why am I attracted to my friends?
  • What perceptions do I have of my friends?
Photo by Neal.

What is a time where you made an initial judgement of a friend that was negative, and after getting to know them your opinion changed?

Social Needs:

  • praise
  • respect
  • love
  • affection
  • achievement
  • rewarding experiences
Photo by rachaelwrites

Our social needs can only be achieved through social interactions.

"Misery loves company"

  • Desire for human contact intensifies through fear and anxiety.
Photo by jikatu


  • Companionship can reduce uncertainty
  • Comparing similar experiences
  • Friends act as mediators in tough situations
Photo by mohammadali

Friendship & Stress

  • Friendship can hinder the ability to deal with small amounts of stress.
  • Constantly reviewing smaller problems only increases sensitivity to those problems.
Photo by amanda.venner

How do we choose friends?

  • Proximity
  • Reward Values
  • Physical Appearance
  • Approval
  • Similarity
  • Complementarity
Photo by JD Hancock


  • The distance from one another that people live/work.
  • Constant contact allows proximity friends to become close.
Photo by Creativity103

Reward Values

  • Take into account the Stimulation Value, Utility Value, and Ego-Support Value
  • We constantly evaluate our friends on the value they give us.
Photo by found_drama

Physical Appearance

  • Physical appearance influences our choice of friends and significant others.
  • Humans typically seek those they consider equals on the scale of attractiveness.
  • "Hot Crazy Matrix" video


  • Seeking approval can be important.
  • We seek those that give us praise and criticism.
  • Why?


  • Opposites don't always attract...
  • Communication is easier when there are common interests and beliefs.


  • The attraction that often develops between opposite types of people because of the ability of one to supply what the other lacks.
  • Psychologists agree that similarities are more important.
Photo by VOiDTEK

Choose 2 of the 6 attributes that you believe are the most important to you personally. Write a brief description describing why you feel they are the most important.