Wonders what asnwer will I give?
He doesn't know the answer himself - shares their frustration
He is "asking for a friend"
People are looking for answers
Ask God......
Spiritual leaders
Search the Scriptures etc....
Make a choice to seek God for his answer to the problem
I will stand
I will station myself
I will look
I will get an answer
to this complaint
this argumnet against God's faithfulness, power, compassion etc...
a chiding, rebuke, impeachment of God's ability and character.....
And this answer is very personal
personally includes the people he cares about
Personally for himself....
He will say to me....
What question do you have for the Lord?
Alot of questions related to God's character, his patience with those who do evil, his existence....etc...those are some of the questions we ask....
(Illus. Book about the usual questions people ask
1. The Reason for God Tim Keller's book
Cru.org - Campus Crusades new name - on the landing page they address suffering and Jesus for example
3. Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World's Largest Religion - Rebecca McLaughlin
My Brown City testimony is in front of us today.....the questions people have that we are not addressing head on.....maybe it will be my next sermon series.....or Small group or something......
But what about