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Published on Nov 20, 2015

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By:Cameron Bates

Nixon/Watergate and Nixon Domestic programs

  • In 1973 Richard Nixon canceled the draft making the US army a volentary thing.
  • Due to the polution in the US nixon made the Enviornmental Protection Agency.
  • Richard Nixon put 100 million dollars to go to resarch for the cure of cancer.
Photo by cliff1066™

Nixon and Henry Kissinger

  • Because of Nixon Kissinger is known as one of the greatest statesmen of the 20th century.
  • Because of Nixon's Presidency Henry Kissinger became was known by the US.
  • Nixon and Kissinger had to go through the forein policy about the Native americans.
Photo by cliff1066™

Nixon, China, and the USSR

  • Nixon met with the presedent of china to have peace with them during the korean war.
  • Because of Nixon the US and China trade equaly without war.
  • Nixon went over foregin policy's with the president of China to let him know we wanted peace.
Photo by DonkeyHotey

Ford/Carter/Iran Hostage Crisis

Photo by jnn1776

Election of 1976

  • The US reached the 1976 election tired from all the war and scandel.
  • The Election was Jimmy Carter versus Gerold Ford.
  • Jimmy Carter won the election of 1976.
Photo by cliff1066™

Energy and Fuel Crisis

  • This crisis scared the US because they did not know what to do if they ran out of energy and fuel.
  • They seen the price of gas go up so they were worried they would not be able to fill up there cars.
  • This crisis is ongoing and probably will not get any better.
Photo by Sean MacEntee

Iran Hostage Crisis

  • There was a group of iranian people who stormed the american embassy takeing 60 american hostages.
  • They say it was because the president sent back a iranian citizen that had been expelled from his country.
  • They say it took them half a century to plan out how they were gonna capture the american citizens and take them hostage.

Reagan/Iran-Contra Scandal

Photo by myglesias

Reagan's Domestic Policies

  • Ronald Reagan started out as an actor in as many as 50 movies before he became president.
  • Reagan said he would get the US out of the great depression.
  • He said everybody would have a job when he was done and no one would even remember that there was a depression.
Photo by cliff1066™

Iran-Contra Scandal

  • Reagan wanted to make Iran free and not a communist country.
  • Under the Reagan Doctrine the CIA trained many people to help.
  • While Iraq and Iran were at war Iran wanted to by wepons from the US.
Photo by blondinrikard

Policy On Nuclear Weapons

  • Ronald Reagan did not want anything to do with a neclear war he was agaisnt nuclear weapons.
  • He did anything he could to not have to go into a nuclear war with any country.
  • Reagan had a great stategy with how to keep from going into a nuclear war.
Photo by Matt. Create.

Fall of USSR and Communism

Fall of the Berlin Wall
Photo by siyublog

Solidarity Movement of Poland

  • He was the force of the russian govenment and told them what to do.
  • He was also part of the Polish trade union.
  • The origin of Solidarity traces back to 1976

Fall of the Berlin Wall

  • The reason for the wall was to keep western facist from undermining east germany
  • The Berlin wall stood until November 9th, 1989
  • That night people on the east side swarmed the wall.
Photo by skyanth

Tragedy in Tienanmen Square

  • People applauded the reveling of pro-democracy statues they put up.
  • China had to vilently take back the square from the pro-democratic people.
  • It was a massacure in tienanmen square.
Photo by randomwire

1980's Lifestyle/Issues with crime, drugs and aids

New Technology and Media

  • They made a personal computer for people to have at home.
  • They also made a CD for you to put in your personal computer.
  • Another new technology was the video cassette recorder.
Photo by Ivan Plata

Crack Epidemic

  • Crack date back to 3000 years ago.
  • In the 1980's people started using crack to calm There selves down but little did they know it was bad for them.
  • More crack was used from 1984 to 1990 then any other drug in the world

AIDS Epidemic

  • HIV and AID's started in the year 1981
  • Many people were scared because at first no one new about AID's
  • AID's Started in New York and California and started moving its way to the middle of the US.
Photo by Roel Wijnants

Space Shuttle Program/Space Stations/90's Technology

Photo by Scott Kublin

Space Shuttle Program

  • In the 1990's NASA had 6 launches into space that ended good.
  • They made the space shuttle reuseable so they did not have to make a new one every time.
  • NASA made the US the first Country to have a person land on the moon.
Photo by Rob Shenk

Challenger and Columbia Explosion

  • Three astronauts perished in an apollo 1 fire.
  • In the Columbia they didn't even get to take off when they tried to start the engine there was a short and a fire in the cockpit.
  • Those were the only two failed attemps NASA has had since then.
Photo by Keane Beamish

International Space Station

  • The Soviet Union sent up the ISS so that them and the US could us it when in need.
  • It has enough supplies for someone to live in it up to two years.
  • The ISS is the first science lab in space.

Persian Gulf War/Clinton Years/2000 Elcection

Photo by brentdanley

Clinton's Domestic policies

  • Clinton promised to focuse on the United States economics.
  • He said he would help people that are unemployed get a job.
  • He also said he would help everybody with there health care needs.

Operation Desert Storm

  • This was the first major crisis after the US went throught the cold war.
  • Kawait was a major oil suply for the US so they need to win the war.
  • The United States Fought along side of Saudia Arabia during operation desert storm.

2000 Election

  • George W. Bush had to go up against Al Gore for the 2000 Election
  • George W. Bush got a majority of the votes from all the states.
  • Al Gore only got 17 of the 50 states to vote for him but it was not enough to win the election of 2000.