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End of Course Quiz Maths

Published on May 23, 2016

A end of course quiz in Health and Social Care.


End of Course Maths Quiz

You will now test you knowledge on the subjects you have covered in your Functional Skills lessons

Get yourselves in to 4 groups

Photo by rossbelmont

What you need to do:

  • You will have 10 minuets at each table to complete the question or task sheet
  • Once the 10 minuets are up you will change table and repeat the process.


  • Work together to answer the questions. You will have answered these questions before!
  • Use your time wisely.
  • Use the skills you have gained in other lessons while on the STEP course
  • Think about what we have discussed during lessons and what you have learnt over the whole course.

Are you ready?

Photo by wwarby

Untitled Slide

Photo by Karen Roe

Write your names on the answer sheet and give it back to me.

Photo by cavale

Change Tables!

Photo by Patrick Q

Write your names on the answer sheet and give it back to me.

Photo by cavale

Change Tables!

Photo by profcarlos

Write your names on the answer sheet and give it back to me.

Photo by llamnudds

Change Tables!

Write your names on the answer sheet and give it back to me.

Lets go through the answers.

Photo by walknboston

Lets total up the scores.

Photo by Brooklyn11211

How well did you do?

Photo by drubuntu

What does this show you?

Photo by sciencesque

You have now finished the quiz.

Photo by Thomas Hawk