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Liesel Meminger: Love or Hate?

Published on Sep 20, 2016

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Liesel Meminger: Love or Hate?

Exploration of "The Book Thief"
Photo by Garrett Gill


  • State your opinion whether you like or dislike the main character. Why do you feel this way?
Photo by Oberazzi

I like Liesel Meminger


  • P.A.C.T.
  • Reason for Fondness of Liesel Meminger
Photo by Alberto Roura

P.A.C.T. =

  • Plot
  • Atmosphere
  • Character
  • Theme
Photo by liquidnight


  • Given up to foster family
  • Foster family hides Jew in basement for a period of time
  • Liesel's neighborhood is bombed, but she survives
  • Dies at an old age in Sydney, Australia
Photo by IvanClow

Plot: Quotes

  • "...a foster family had apparently been found, and if nothing else, the new family could at least feed the girl..." (Pg 25)
  • "There's a Jew in my basement" (Pg 245)
  • "...the bombs drop casually out...Himmel Street was flattened..." (Pg 497 & 498)
Photo by Peer.Gynt

Plot: Quotes

  • "I can't believe it - she's alive!" (Pg 499)
  • "...I travelled to Sydney and took Liesel away...the old woman..." (Pg 549)
Photo by Peer.Gynt


  • Bittersweet
  • Mature
Photo by drbob97

Atmosphere: Quotes

  • "...I have hated the words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right..." (Pg 528)
Photo by John-Morgan

Atmosphere: Quotes

  • "...her (Liesel's) brother had practically died in her arms. Her mother abandoned her..." (Pg 151)
  • "...She had seen a Jewish man who had twice given her the most beautiful pages of her life marched to a concentration camp..."
Photo by John-Morgan

S. T. E. A. L.

character- liesel meminger
Photo by Chat Noir:)

Liesel Meminger:
Round & Dynamic

Photo by The Marmot

Character: Speech

  • Forgiving
  • Brave
  • Human
  • Loyal
  • Hopeful
Photo by Marc Wathieu

Character: Speech- Quotes

  • "...I'm (Ludwig speaking) sorry....Me too (Liesel's reply)..." (Pg 113)
  • "You think...you can buy me off...?...Liesel could see it on her face...Her eyes had blackened. Cuts had opened up and a series of wounds were rising to the surface of her words. All from...Liesel's words..." (Pg 262- 263)
Photo by pcorreia


  • "...What about her?...It's all very well for such a person to whine and moan and criticize other family members, but they won't let anyone else do it..." (Pg 291)
Photo by pcorreia

Character: Thoughts

  • Loving
  • Empathetic
  • Wise
Photo by Arlo Bates

character: Thoughts- Quotes

  • "...She (Liesel) loved her Papa...and even her foster mother...she loved...her best friend..." (Pg 85)
  • "...Liesel was on the lookout for discarded items that might be valuable to a dying man. She wondered at first why it mattered so much. How could something so insignificant give comfort to someone..." (Pg 321)
Photo by Mak Ting Him


  • "...When she (Liesel) wrote about that night, she held no animosity toward Rosa Hubermann at all, or toward her mother for that matter. To her, they were only victims of circumstance..." (Pg 99-100)
  • "...She (Liesel) was already making calculations, despite already knowing..." (Pg 114-115)
  • "...He's not dead yet..." (Pg 330)
Photo by Mak Ting Him

Character: Effects on Others

  • Gave Hans Hubermann an idea to save Max
  • Inspired Max to live on


  • "...Hans held the book...thinking about...the foster daughter who had given him this brilliant idea..." (Pg 128)
  • "...Often I (Max) wish this would all be over, Liesel, but then somehow you do something like walk down the basement steps with a snowman in your hands..." (Pg 313)
Photo by wwarby

character: Actions

  • Compassionate
  • Daring


  • "...Oh, no. Ludwig Schmeikl. He did not, as she expected, sneer or joke...his ankle...had been crushed...Somehow, she (Liesel) helped him up..." (Pg 112)
  • "...She had stolen a book..." (Pg 129)
Photo by Jason Verwey

character: looks

  • Skinny
Photo by RichGrundy


  • "...She (Liesel) is bony, but strong..." (Pg 97)
  • "...Liesel...still rake-skinny..." (Pg 218)
Photo by lucyb_22


  • Know the gravity of words for they can forge brilliant creations or burn all
Photo by jev55

theme: quotes

  • "...She was a girl. In Nazi Germany. How fitting that she was discovering the power of words..." (Pg 147)
  • "...I wanted to ask her how the same thing could be so ugly and glorious, and its words and stories so damning and brilliant..." (Pg 550)
Photo by Andrew Oliver

Reason for Fondness of Liesel Meminger

  • Mature beyond her age
  • Recognizes the significance in words
  • Did not just survive, she thrived