Measuring Our Impact

Published on May 16, 2018

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Measuring Our Impact

On Student and Teacher Learning 
Photo by hades

Underlying Beliefs

  • "Data" means evidence. There are many ways of knowing.
  • Qualitative and quantitative data both have value and can inform decision-making
  • Coach's job is to provide opportunity for self-reflection rather than to evaluate
Photo by joiseyshowaa

Reflect: How do you currently measure the impact of coaching? What are your strengths & challenges?

Photo by Nine Köpfer

Measuring learning at the daily/lesson level

Photo by Clio CJS

An assessment functions formatively to the extent that evidence about student achievement is elicited, interpreted, and used by teachers, lerners, or their peers to make decisions about the next steps in instruction that are likely to be better, or better founded, than the decisions that they would have made in the absence of that evidence.

Photo by Etrusia UK

Measuring learning at the coaching cycle level

Photo by CucombreLibre

Reflect: How did the coaching cycle impact teacher learning?

Photo by Nine Köpfer

Measuring learning at the system level

Photo by torkildr

What can we learn from a set of Results-Based Coaching Tools?

Design your own survey

Photo by Helloquence

Thank you!

Photo by Luca Upper