Findings: Class Climate
- Emotionally secure & safe
- Risk-taking
- Inclusivity
Emo input take high priority -- if feel unsafe (insecure, anxious, afraid) brain cannot absorb academic content (low-priority)
Play is the catalyst for academic quest, trial & error, and searching for info relevant to personal desire/experiences.
Hirsh-Pasek & Golinkoff: this kind of exploration must be done in a secure enviro where angst is eliminated & students have academic freedom to take chances
"play builds the foundation for a lifetime of learning" ~White
Humor can: bring back to the content, relieve stress, defuse tension, livens up the room, & creates a safe place for students to take appropriate risks.
"when people laugh together, they bond & a community spirit emerges -- all positive forces for a climate conducive to learning" ~Sousa