“The virtual does not automatically equate to disembodiment” (Sundén 5).

Published on May 24, 2017

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“The virtual does not automatically equate to disembodiment” (Sundén 5).

Photo by Olia Gozha

A sense of rhetorical embodiment that acknowledges that “all bodies do rhetoric through texture, shape, color, consistency, movement, and function” (Johnson, Levy, Manthey, and Novotny 39).

Signifying bodies “connect individuals and groups to others in complex arrangements characterized by power distribution, access, and mobility” (Johnson, Levy, Manthey, and Novotny 40).

Photo by bahind

An often invisible foundation of “messy, gendered, raced, aging, nationalized, digesting bodies” (Wysocki 186).

Photo by lornapips

Social media spaces offer “possibilities for dis/playing one’s self, for performing one’s experiences” in complex ways (Holloway-Attaway).

Photo by Christin Hume

Social media spaces are "complex mediated life worlds where inscription is no longer a metaphoric practice but an act of (pre-)self/real-world environmental coupling, inadequate to be viewed from the perspective of discursive representation" (Holloway-Attaway)

Photo by rawpixel

"There is something about the fact that Twitter is primarily designed for speech—for short, strong, declarative utterance—that makes it an especially powerful vehicle for activism, a place of liberation" (Weiss).

Megan McIntyre

Haiku Deck Pro User