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Writing Recommendation Reports

Published on Apr 11, 2017

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Writing Recommendation Reports

Photo by Nick Bramhall

Addresses Questions Like

  • What should we do about problem X?
  • Should we do Function X?
  • Should we use Technology A or Technology B to do Function X?
  • We currently use Methods A to do Function X. Should we be using Method B?
Photo by Derek Bridges

Chain of documents: proposal to progress reports to final recommendation report

Problem-Solving Model

  • Identify problem
  • Establish criteria for response: any solution to our problem must reduce the number of manufacturing defects by 50% and cannot cost more than $75,000
  • List possible courses of action
  • Study each option according to criteria
  • Draw conclusion about each option
  • Formulate recommendation

Front Matter

  • Purpose: orient reader,provide summaries for technical and managerial readers, help readers navigate the report, help readers decide whether to read the document
  • Elements: cover, title page, abstract, table of contents, list of illustrations, executive summary
Photo by Sam Ilić


  • Purpose: provide the most comprehensive account of the project, from the problem or opportunity that motivated it to the methods and the most important findings
  • Elements: introduction, recommendations, implementation plan, evaluation plan
Photo by profzucker

Back Matter

  • Purpose: to present supplementary info
  • Elements: glossary, list of symbols, references, appendixes

Executive Summary

  • Overview of entire project, major information and outcomes
  • Least technical jargon
Photo by marten vaher


  • What is the subject of the report?
  • What is the purpose of the report?
  • What is the background of your report?
  • What is the scope of your report?
  • What are the most significant findings?
  • What are your recommendations?
  • What key terms are you using?
Photo by bengrey


  • Short history of technology in your field
  • Problem statement
  • Summary of research report
Photo by quinn.anya


  • ADD: Some information presented in this section has come directly from an unpublished report submitted to the supervisor on [date the research report was due].
  • Statement of which app you chose
  • In depth evaluation of why this app works the best
  • Persuasive arguments
Photo by chris.chabot

Implementation Plan

  • Explanation of how to integrate into the workplace
  • Should include reasons for timeline, budget, and steps
Photo by Ravages

Evaluation Plan

  • Brief plan for evaluating whether the plan is working as hoped
  • How would you test for this?