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Your Digital Footprint

Published on Jun 18, 2016

Tips for Managing Your Online Reputation.


Your Digital Footprint

Tips for Managing Your Online Reputation

Building a web presence is more than a website, it's an opportunity for new projects and collaboration.

Google yourself.
What didn't you find that you should have?
If Google can't find your work then it's irrelevant.

SEO = Search Engine Optimization.

Photo by marciookabe

Improve SEO

  • Create a free Google site
  • Include a bio and links to your social media accounts like Twitter, WordPress, Google+
  • Buy a custom domain name for a minimal investment
Photo by bengrey

If You're Not on Twitter- Join

  • Twitter is an interest network, not a social network
  • There are great professional development opportunities like live webinars and Twitter chats
  • It's a great way to network with other people in your field
Photo by Jeremy Brooks

Twitter Tips

  • Set name as @ First+LastName or initials but don't use numbers
  • Set- your bio with your interests
  • Follow people in your field
  • ReTweet items of interest with your own comments, share news articles, actively be part of the conversation
  • Set-up a TweetDeck to monitor interesting hashtags

Start a WordPress blog to share your work.

Photo by GotCredit

Blogging Basics

  • Think long term- who do you want to talk to and what do you want to tell them?
  • Be intentional about how you name your posts so that people can find them by search engine
  • Share your posts to your Twitter followers or on Google+

Use secure passwords, think before you post, set Google alerts for your name to monitor your reputation.

Photo by GotCredit

References- Web Links In NOtes

  • Cordell, R. (2012, Oct). Creating and Maintaining a Professional Presence Online: A Roundup and Reflection.
  • Cronin, C. (2012, Dec 19). Enacting Digital Identity.
  • Duque, L. (2016, June 8). How Academics and Researchers Can Get The Most Out of Social Media.

References Continued- Links in Notes

  • Lowenthal, P. & Dunlap, J. (2012, June 5). Intentional Web Presence.
  • Taub, A. (2012, June 7). 5 Key Things Needed to Improve Your Digital Identity.
  • Young, C. (2012, Aug 30). 19 Twitter Tips for Newbies (or Helpful Reminders for Not-so-Newbies