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that people would see us as a source of comfort in the midst of their own battles with a sinful world


Published on Mar 13, 2019

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Being a warm spot in a cold world
that people would see us as a source of comfort in the midst of their own battles with a sinful world

Genesis 6:1-9

But Noah......


  • "Rest"
  • Source of comfort
  • Genesis 5:28 - 9:29
  • Known for his faithful obedience
name means rest

source of comfort to weary parents working hard to make a living as farmers, constantly dealing with the toil that resulted from sin's curse....

Life is described in Genesis 5-9

His story becomes the standard for what an evil world looks like throughout the rest of Scripture

"as in the days of Noah"

How to be a source of comfort to a world dealing with the curse of sin.....


  • Linked to Job and Daniel
  • Listed in Jesus family line
  • Lived righteous life
  • End times like Noah's times
Job and Daniel - Ez 14:14

Luke includes him in the family line of Jesus

Heir of righteousness in Heb 11:7

herald of righteousness in 2 Peter 2:5

As in the Days of Noah so shall the second coming be like Matt 24:37-38


Made the "best" choices
characterized by or resulting from an accepted standard of morality and justice

to act correctly, properly, lawfully....as God defines it.....

lots of distractions out there....

Photo by sniggie

....if he did not spare the ancient world when he brought the flood on its ungodly people, but protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others;

2 Peter 2:5 if he did not spare the ancient world when he brought the flood on its ungodly people, but protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others;


Lived Culturally Connected
He lived a life of contrast in direct contact with his neighbors.....

not one of isolation and condemnation....

As one student of church health mentions...Neil Cole - if you want to make a difference with the gospel, you are going to have to sit in the smoking secion

he built the ark in full view of everyone
Photo by rawpixel

Walked with God

Followed God's path
Worshipped God - 8:1

Found grace in the eyes of the Lord 6:8

Blessed by God 9:1,7


filled the earth with his descendants

talked with God -

heard from God clearly - 8:15

God said to Noah
- 6:13
- 7:1
- 9:1, 8,12, 17

remembered by God 8:1

boundaries - pathways have borders, boundaries, here you are on the path, here you are off the path.....

the world around us is constantly telling us that boundaries do not matter.....

yet....did you drive here today? Obey the traffic laws to get here? boundaries....

metals, woods, all have stress limits where if you ignore them, bridges fail, roofs collapse....etc....

Instructive to me that in the midst of God's blessing of Noah, comes this boundary statement in 9:4-6

what is your blood pressure?
blood sugar?
hemoglobin levels?

all boundary issues related to your body that if you ignore could and usually do lead to serious complications....

God blessed Noah with boundaries.....

Thank God for the boundaries in your life......they are designed to preserve and protect your life, not hinder and complicate it

By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that is in keeping with faith.

By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that is in keeping with faith.

Hebrews 11:7

warned......it comes across an administrators desk that Noah needs to be told about the coming flood, and he "handles the matter" insuring not only that Noah is informed, but that he is instructed about what to do as a result of this new information......

condemned.......his testimony was one of righteousness, the kind of living that led to rescue, redemption, and life, for his family and the animals of the world.....

everyone else in contrast stood condemned not because of Noah's choices, but because of their contrasting decision to ignore God


  • Righteous
  • Blameless
  • Walked with God


  • Made the best choices
  • Lived culturally connected
  • Followed God's path

Michael Cadrette

Haiku Deck Pro User