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In the walled city of Thneed-Ville, where everything is artificial and even the air is has to be made, a boy named Ted has a crush on a girl called Audrey. When she tells him she wants to see a real tree, Ted seeks out the Once-ler, a ruined old businessman outside of town in a stark wasteland. Upon hearing of how the once-ler gave into his greed for profits and devastated the land even though the Lorax told him lots of times that he needed to stop and Ted is inspired to undo the disaster. However, the greedy Mayor of Thneed-Ville, Mr O'Hare, has made his fortune exploiting the environmental collapse and is determined to stop Ted from ruining his business.

Mr O' Hare's perspective Monopoly/competition
He is the Mayor of Thneed-Ville which is a town where everything is electronic and there are no trees and so he sells air to the people of Thneed-Ville so he gets lots of money because he is the only one selling it.One day he hears that a young boy named Ted wants to find the Once-ler to get a real tree. Mr O' Hare gets annoyed because if there are trees in Thneed-Ville then his company will go out of buisness. So he tries to get him to stop but when Ted gets given the last truffula seed to plant in the middle of town Mr O' Hare tries to stop him but in the end doesn't and goes out of business and everyone ends up hating him for making them buy air when it should be free.

Mr O Hare sustainability and resource use.
Mr O Hare is not very sustainable because he purposely makes the air bad from all the factories so he can get lots of money from people buying his artificial air and he doesn't tell anyone about trees and the Once-ler because if he does then they would all want to find him and plant trees because trees five air for free and this is why Mr O Hare has put up a wall around Thneed-vile so they can't see the remainders of trees and that there actually were trees.

The Once-ler's perspective Monopoly/Compitition
He lived with his family who didn't like him very much and when he left to try earn some money from his thneed which he thought was going to be a be very successful even though his family thought that it was never going to work out. He ended up finding truffula trees and used their tuffs that were softer than silk and he decides to chop one of the trees down and use the tuffs to make his thneed. While making the thneed the Lorax turns up and tells him not to cut down another tree. The Once-Ler's thneed ends up being a big hit and everyone wants one so he calls his family and they come and help make the thneed since the Lorax said they couldn't cut down any trees they had to pull the tuffs...

Off because the Lorax said they cut down anymore trees but they needed to make them faster so the Once-let decides to cut down the tree and when the last tree has been cut down his family starts to leave because there is nothing left to sell and the Lorax tells all the animals to leave because of the pollution caused by the factory. The once-led realises what he has down and feels really bad about it.Later when the once-ler is old a young boy called Ted who wants to learn about trees because. The Once-ler tells Ted the story and at the end gives him the last truffula seed. After Ted has planted the seed truffula trees start to grow everywhere again and all the animals come back and the Lorax says to him that he his proud of his decision to tell Ted the story and give him the seed.

The Once-ler sustainability and resource use.
The Once-ler was also not very sustainable because he kept on chopping down trees and growing his buisness of making more thneeds and when his buisness keep growing the air was being polluted and all the lakes/ponds were getting filled with oil but when he chopped down the trees he cut them down so they couldn't regrow again and all he used was the tuffs and not the wood which is a waste and also not resourceful.

Explain how people made decisions based on their perspectives. The people of Thneed-ville had to buy air off Mr O' Hare's company because they had no choice since the Once-ler had chopped down all the trees a long time ago. Mr O' Hare only wanted money so he didn't really care if everything was polluted and that there where no trees.

So then the Once-ler decided to give Ted the seed because he knew that he would do the right thing and when he gave Ted the seed Ted went strait to the middle of the town and told everyone about trees and how Mr O' Hare is a bad person and that he hid them all from the outside where trees used to grow but they ended up should plant the seed because it will be better for all of them.

Consequences of decisions that people had to make.
Decision: The Once-ler decided to chop down the first Truffula tree.
Consequence: He ended up chopping down all of the trees so there wasn't any air left for anyone so they had to pay for it even though it should be free.

Desicion: The people that Lived in Thneed-Ville decided that they didn't want Mr O' Hare as Mayor anymore.
Consequence: He got sent out of the town because he was a bad and greedy mayor who only cared for himself and the money. Because the people had to pay their hard earned money on something that should be free.