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Welcome to Collins Hutch. We’re so glad you decided to expand your career at our company and we look forward to having you as part of our Collins Hutch family.

There are some important activities you will need to complete within the first 30 days of your employment.
It’s important that you complete these activities so we are in compliance with government legislation and can assure our clients that all of our employees are in compliance with these regulations. So let's look at what you will need to complete in your first 30 days.

Compliance Training

Published on Feb 23, 2017

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Compliance Training

Orientation - Your first 30 days
Welcome to Collins Hutch. We’re so glad you decided to expand your career at our company and we look forward to having you as part of our Collins Hutch family.

There are some important activities you will need to complete within the first 30 days of your employment.
It’s important that you complete these activities so we are in compliance with government legislation and can assure our clients that all of our employees are in compliance with these regulations. So let's look at what you will need to complete in your first 30 days.
Photo by 96dpi

Compliance Trainings

The main activities you will need to complete are:
Benefit elections
Completing your HR profile
and completing the required compliance trainings
In this presentation we will focus on number 3. The compliance trainings.

Why do I need to complete compliance trainings?

One of the questions we often get asked is "Why do I need to complete the compliance trainings in the first 30 days?"
And it's a great question.
These trainings need to be completed within your first 30 days of employment so we can ensure all employees are aware of the obligations and expectations about how Collins Hutch does business from the beginning of their employment. This impacts how we work with our clients and how we can work harmoniously with each other at Collins Hutch to do our best work. These trainings make sure everyone understands what is expected of them as they interact with clients and other employees and contacts. Let's have a deeper look at the different types of trainings you need to complete.

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

We require all new employees to complete our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics training. This training outlines how we need to conduct ourselves in dealing with clients and each other in an ethical way. It covers topics such as Anti Money Laundering, protecting our data and the data of our clients, and how we should interact with each other as we work together.

Security and Data Privacy

You will also be required to complete our Security and Data Privacy training. This training outlines the types of data you may have access to as part of your work. It explains how you should handle the types of data to make sure we are protecting the privacy and confidentiality of the data we handle and that of our clients. It also covers the physical security of our offices and systems, outlining what to do in situations where there may be a breach.
Photo by markus spiske

Workplace Harassment Prevention

Working together in a harmonious way is critical to our success and maintaining a culture of inclusion. Our Workplace Harassment Prevention training outlines how we should treat and expect to be treated by others and what steps to take if you feel you are being harassed in the workplace. We encourage a culture where everyone is respected as individuals and are provided with the opportunities to reach their full potential.

Thank you and welcome to Collins Hutch

Again welcome to Collins Hutch. This is the start of a new and exciting journey and we look forward to seeing you flourish both in your work and personally at Collins Hutch. Our hope is that you will enjoy working here for many years.

If you have any questions about your onboarding program please submit a ticket to HR via the intranet.

Thank you for your time.
Photo by HckySo

Andrea Adera

Haiku Deck Pro User